If I had a nickel for every post of a curved wooden spoon I've seen on Lemmy in 2025, I would have two nickels. That's not a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice already.
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Very cool! Cat tail.
Looks great, been loving your spoons! Mind if I ask your process for making them?
What? Did I mess something up?
It took me a few brain cycles to recognize that this was a spoon. Perhaps others were similarly momentarily confused.
Oh good, I thought I somehow did a dumb and posted in a wrong thread or something. Cheers!
Well I get the boards from Home Depot or Lowes, 3.5" wide usually. Then using a miter saw then a jigsaw roughly cut them to shape. Then Ideally I'd be using a spoon chisel but for now I use various Dremel bits, a belt grinder and in this one's case a few files to finalize the shape. Finish them out with a foodsafe wax and oil finish and bobs your uncle
Neat! I was wondering if it was hand or power tools but it's both! Do you use a woodburner for the designs?
Yeah, just one of the cheapos from a big box store