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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/MountainGoatAOE on 2025-01-13 07:26:13+00:00.
and it's not LTT's fault.
LTT is extremely clear: it's a video full of sponsored content. Despite Linus' enthusiasm, it's clear that he is not really involved in the tech - he's so focused on the camera, which indicates he's reading the talking points on the prompter (just like in the studio).
This has been a theme in much of CES coverage. Nothing too excited was announced, and most LTT content was sponsored, so the hosts would run down some talking points about what the manufacturer wants, and that's about it. That's simply what CES has become, sadly. Not a place where awesome, new, WOWZA tech is introduced but where "regular", iterative product developments are advertised by tech reviewers.
All of that's okay, and it's understandable that LTT takes the opportunity for all those sponsorships. But as a viewer, I must say none of the coverage has been close to the enjoyment and excitement that I get out of a regular TechLinked.
PS: if anything this is a criticism of CES, not of LTT. I was especially curious whether people shared the same sentiment - that CES (and as such LTT's on-location coverage) has not excited them. Riley's recaps were much more fun and natural to me.