You don't need to register as it is a free drop-in session
This is a Drop-in session. No 'registration' required ...(BUT! Registering with Meetup will give you reminders and the ability to schedule this on your calendar.)
Community for the city of Vancouver, BC
You don't need to register as it is a free drop-in session
This is a Drop-in session. No 'registration' required ...(BUT! Registering with Meetup will give you reminders and the ability to schedule this on your calendar.)
Dope, would pop by if I was back home. I'll tell my younger siblings, and they can drag my mum along. When I was back in October I switched her over to Mint, as really all she does is word processing, solitaire and YouTube. Her desktop I built for her in 2008 wasn't coping with almost 20 years of daily usage of windows 10 and a desktop organised by an older person (literally everything saved to the desktop, it gave me an anxiety attack)
Edit: just wanted to point out that obviously it wasn't win10 the whole time. She had 7 initially, but clicked the "upgrade now" button every time
I love this group!