Don't forget, the majority of our news outlets are owned by Postmedia, which is 66% owned by Chatham Asset Management, which is in turn owned by Anthony Malchiorre. Malchiorre and CAM are well known GOP mouthpieces.
What we do about this....idk...
Don't forget, the majority of our news outlets are owned by Postmedia, which is 66% owned by Chatham Asset Management, which is in turn owned by Anthony Malchiorre. Malchiorre and CAM are well known GOP mouthpieces.
What we do about this....idk...
Why ask it for gay porn if it doesn't?
So, I definitely didn't click! But having clicked on GitHub links in the past I can surmise that there's a step by step install guide and also one for model acquisition. Just be sure not to click the link, and definitely do not follow what I assume is a very well written and easily understood step by step install guide.
Oh, Tuta? The same Tuta that may or may not be a honeypot?
Idk, I've looked around for more on this, but all I could find was articles about Ortis saying they are, and Tuta saying they're not. They may or may not be a honeypot, there's no hard evidence I could find, but that may come to light in the near future....or not.
Not everyone here lives in your state
That's exactly what I thought it was
Yep, the CBC, which the Tories are talking about defunding if they get back into power. Now the CBC ain't perfect, but I trust it more than I trust Postmedia owned outlets.
We all do what we can
Well....he slept with a porn star the one time. And probably a fair few prostitutes, so that's kinda like the Jesus and Mary thing right? #readthebibleonceanddontrememberfuckall #notagreatangryatheist
I know the whole "Strip Musk of his citizenship" petition wasn't going anywhere because the only way to do that is if you can prove that the person gained it through fraud. Maybe we could petition to change it to include treason?
Cold cocked Comrade Couch Humper, elbow-strike the Cheeto....tea-bag them both..... then walked out. I'd literally put down everything I own to see that. Maybe I played too much CS 2 decades ago....
Here's what Postmedia owns, they're majority owned by Chatham Asset Management, which is owned by Anthony Malchiorre. GOP mouthpieces.