"wont somebody PLEASE think of our capitalist system?!"
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If only there was a government Insurance option? We could call it the "Government Insurance Office" or perhaps even "State Government Insurance Office".
It's sad that some people would think that's a great idea because then you could sell it off and make bank...
The earliest insurance was indeed communist. People recognised that it sucks for everyone so they paid into communal schemes.
Private insurance is a rort, as the moment it's not mathematically disadvantageous to buy they pull out of the market.
It is exactly the sort of thing that should be nationalised.
The dildo of consequence 🤣
And that's one of the reasons why I'll never leave the Great Lakes region.
You mean on the lower north coast of NSW? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Lakes_Council
Etterra means HOMES
and not a bad decision, there will always be fresh water
but the area might get a little crowded with internal refugees
And here was I worried about how things might look in 2050-2100 with projected sea level rises and god knows what happens to Greenland or Antarctic ice sheets.
It's already here.