this post was submitted on 16 Jan 2025
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reported by PWI, via Cultaholic:

Tammy Sytch - currently serving 17 years in jail after causing the death of a 75-year-old man in an automobile accident - has requested her sentence be shortened.

Sytch was sentenced in November 2023 and is currently scheduled to be released from prison in September 2039, with the WWE Hall of Famer sentenced on multiple Federal DUI charges. In a letter to Judge Karen A. Foxman - the judge who presided over Sytch’s sentencing - Sytch has requested that her sentence be served concurrently rather than her current sentence in which she is serving time for each charge separately. If her request is granted she would be out of prison well before her scheduled release date.

The Volusia County Clerk of Circuit Court updated Sytch’s case notes with a copy of the letter - obtained by PWInsider - with Sytch writing the following:

“Honorable Judge Foxman,

“During my incarceration at Lowell Correctional Institusetion, I have been attempting to make the most of my time, by reflecting upon my crime, while also striving to be a positive influence on other inmates.

“To that end, I have recently graduated from the Culinary Arts program, with a certificate in Culinary Arts, which also includes ServSafe certification. Most recently, I have become a Teacher's Aid in one of the GED classrooms. Helping others to realize their academic potential, and earn their GED is something I have found to be very fulfilling. Additionally, I have been chosen by Dr. Kuehl, the Director of Education at the prison, to speak with the Youthful Offender inmates as a "voice of reason." He has asked me to do a series of lectures and discussions with these young ladies about how prison has helped me gain a new life perspective, and about the importance of not re-offending once they leave prison.

“Beyond my education and vocational achievements, I am also regularly attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and am being seen regularly for mental health counseling sessions.

“I have also begun making plans for my life after release from prison. My former business attorney, Stephen P. New, has offered me a job in his office as a Paralegal, and has also offered me free housing while I am getting on my feet. I have been inspired by the idea of working with the Youthful Offenders while I am here, and I would like to continue to mentor youths once I am free. Therefore, I plan to visit high schools to talk about the dangers and consequences of drinking and driving, in hopes of helping the students to make better choices that I have.

“I am extremely remorseful, as my actions led to a loss of life, and grief for my victim's family and friends. I am dedicated to changing my life for the better, and to being a positive light in any community in which I live. I desire to serve others in any way possible, and in particular will strive to help young people avoid alcohol and destructive decision making.

“I pray this Honorable Court will grant me grace and mercy in their consideration of this request to modify my sentence by running the incarcerative portions of my sentence on Count 1 and 2 concurrent, or issue whatever relief this Court deems appropriate.

“WHEREFORE, Defendant prays this Honorable Court will grant this Motion for Modification of Sentence and grant whatever relief this Court deems appropriate. Tamara Sytch.”

Should Sytch’s sentence remain unaltered then she will serve the full 17 years in prison, plus eight years probation.

A civil lawsuit has been brought against Sytch by the estate of Julian Lasseter, the victim of the incident. This suit is set to commence on March 25, 2025.

top 5 comments
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[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I had typed out a very long, very personal response, but it really just amounts to "she's serving society better in prison, so keep her there."

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I love the idea that (in addition to the other shit) she's touting her ServSafe cert.

She can't avoid putting a fucking bottle in her mouth (amongst everything else in the world) to the point where she killed an old man, no fucking liquor-based-employment is gonna hire her ass.

Like trusting me around this tray of brownies. You see the size of my ass? Might as well trust a lion with babysitting a meerkat come the fuck on now.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Let her fucking rot. 17 years is already too short

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Slap on the wrist, considering someone lost their life.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago