Also in the description,
"This manufactured home will require some updates."
Definitely a bulldozer is needed :D
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
Posting guidelines.
Posts in this community must be of property (inside or out) listed for sale which contains a terrible element. “Terrible” can refer to:
the photo itself (finger over the lens, too far away, people in the shot, bad Photoshop, etc.)
the property (weird layout, questionable plumbing, unsound structure, etc.)
the interior (carpeted bathrooms, awful taste interiors, weird mannequins/taxidermies/art, inflatable pools indoors, etc.)
the actual listing itself including unusual descriptions and unrealistic pricing. However, this isn’t a community to discuss the housing market in general. This is a comedic community - let’s keep it light.
Photos can be sourced from anywhere and be any age, but please check they haven’t already been posted.
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Also in the description,
"This manufactured home will require some updates."
Definitely a bulldozer is needed :D
That's 100% not a tear down reno. It just needs new flooring and some paint. Probably $5k tops.
A soggy, 20 year old trailer is absolutely a tear down, even if it's in quite a bit better shape than this one IMHO. Those things have glued in panels that turn to roach sugar, I've never seen one over 15 years old, regardless of how clean the tenants/owners kept their living space, that didn't have a massive roach infestation hiding somewhere.
Does the toilet look to long to anyone else?
It's a bariatric toilet and the image is weirdly compressed.
I had to Google that but, apparently, that's definitely a thing. I suppose I should have realised that with bigger arses come bigger toilets.
The image is compressed vertically.
Pity, I was hoping for long toilets to be a thing for some reason.
For when you had too much fiber and get the exact amount of Courics.
My good friends bought a house that had been shown on Hoarders and they had to empty out the prior owner’s belongings after they died. They said that this person just opened up some drawers and their cat had been using them as a shitbox for months without being emptied. A million other such gross details. I helped them out in day by going over there to wipe out their kitchen cabinets with bleach. By that time the stuff has mostly been emptied out. They said that there had been a refrigerator there, sitting unplugged and full of rotten food but the door was closed and the seal intact. So they tried to just get the whole damn fridge out to the curb and hauled away.
But! They got it to the doorway and it was one inch too wide so of course they had to open up the fridge and take its door off to make it narrower. No dead bodies inside but there might as well have been.
I have done hurricane disaster relief before, and I can attest that there is no smell on this planet that equates to a refrigerator unplugged for several weeks but still intact
Free murder carpet.
At least the price is justified for once
Is it really though?!
idk I'm not American, I keep seeing million dollar properties in American ads
Well they did knock it down $300
The toilet
If it was anywhere except Mississippi.
Oh neat, SCP-173’s containment chamber is up for sale! I wonder where he wen—
I can smell the Luminol off the carpet.
Seems they've misunderstood shelfie.
I mean, it’s only $40,000. I’m sure you could get a loan for $60,000 to fix it up.
The only thing that could fix that up is a fire.
I doubt someone interested in living there can get a loan for that much
You could find much better property for $100,000 in Mississippi.
Oh I mean the total loan would be $60k. $20k to fix it up.
I dunno. Whatever. Point is it’s not as bad as some of the stuff I’ve seen on here.
Ah, ok.
I've fixed up worse, not for the feint of heart for sure!
This is so uncanny. I love it. I just wouldn't want to live in Liminal space
Somebody added a sunroom on a double-wide… ¡Madre de Dios!