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A casual community for people with ADHD
Acceptance, Openness, Understanding, Equality, Reciprocity.
- No abusive, derogatory, or offensive post/comments.
- No porn, gore, spam, or advertisements allowed.
- Do not request for donations.
- Do not link to other social media or paywalled content.
- Do not gatekeep or diagnose.
- Mark NSFW content accordingly.
- No racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, or ageism.
- Respectful venting, including dealing with oppressive neurotypical culture, is okay.
- Discussing other neurological problems like autism, anxiety, ptsd, and brain injury are allowed.
- Discussions regarding medication are allowed as long as you are describing your own situation and not telling others what to do (only qualified medical practitioners can prescribe medication).
- Funny memes.
- Welcoming and accepting attitudes.
- Questions on confusing situations.
- Seeking and sharing support.
- Engagement in our values.
Relevant Lemmy communities: will happily promote other ND communities as long as said communities demonstrate that they share our values.
And a pihole
Report Ad: "This Ad is offensive"
Yeah, I need to do this. I wonder if it matters.
Ads on YouTube? Nope. I use Adnausem to block ads and "click" on ads to mess with my profile.
EDIT:Β Thank you all for the suggestion that I shouldn't be seeing Ads in the first place if I was living my life right, ha. Trust that I know what Ad-Block is and what DNS-filtering is. The point is that I managed to get this Ad and that it left a poor taste in my mouth.
Lol, that was to be expected, because most people on Lemmy probably don't see ads at all. Like, literally the only time I see ads is when I'm looking at someone else's screen or when I have to turn off the sanity filtering to access one specific thing. Oh, and when I have to search from a server I'm always reminded of just how shit the modern Internet is.
I have absolutely no idea how anyone deals with the Internet at Mr Burns' health levels of advertising, let alone those of us with ADHD.