You suffer from depression.
/c/Vent: Vent about your life here
A community for venting about your life, good or bad
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This reminds me of a song by Ben Folds.
Just a bit.
We all take risks when we put ourselves out there, and it's natural to want to retreat, flee, try to be safe.
But that's everyone.
So maybe, try to calm down, breathe, and realize that you are not alone in this. That your job is to find those people who you can resonate with and vice versa.
None of us are something, deep inside. We are all beings rationalizing the choices we have already made.
So accept that you are nothing, and so is everyone else, and possibly try to relish what is in the spaces between the choices made. It's where life happens, and it can be worth the wait.
We live in a world of fakeness, and if you're not standing out, it's probably because you're a genuine person. Your boyfriend sees that and loves you for it. The goal is to learn to see it in yourself. Forgive your mistakes, accept your flaws and love your strengths.
The online world is all smoke and mirrors. Lies without joy. Looking like perfection.
As I got older, my circles got smaller but better. I cared less about a lot of the noise. Just focussed on being the best me I can be, flaws and all. It took years to get to the point where I love and accept me. Where I forgive my mistakes and can just focus on being better in the future.
Don't be hard on yourself. You're going through a tricky time. You'll come through this. The fact you feel this shows you're not a void. You're human. You deserve love.
I don't know you, but from here I can see you're very introspective and candid. I like that.
You don't have to hide from society but you can choose when you deal with it and when you need a rest. That's cool. No one has unlimited social energy.