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Out of the loop, who is she? Looks like shilling from the photo. Edit jeeze I'm not saying I support her, I'm saying if I am going to puke on the downvote train I at least want to know why
Pointing out the purple party uses wedge issues to divide and conquer the voters will make people mad.
People are so invested in red vs blue they don't see that the voting system is actually broken.
Shoe specifically points out a population doing purity tests against itself isn't a way to build coalitions and mindshare.. and people lose their collective minds
Shoe's politics are more populist and issue focused, like universal healthcare, and voting system reform. I e. Rabid Bernie Sanders supporter.
Sh0e temporarily restored my faith in the American left. All the Democrats villifying her once again burned my faith.
She puts on a good show ... does her promos ... then lambastes Californians because they didn't put out the fire with ocean water. Anyone who said 'Well, duh' to that belongs in her club ... the 'if I can talk really fast I must be smart' club.