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The original was posted on /r/cfs by /u/dopameanmuggin on 2025-01-30 17:16:42+00:00.
This post is aimed at those who have been living with me/cfs for at least a decade.
As many more people came to learn what we live with due to long COVID, the folks who have survived with this illness the longest (decades) really stepped up to offer hope to the newly afflicted. You told us you had never felt so hopeful that we may actually get a treatment (or at least better science, maybe a biomarker that could actually be used in diagnosis) bc there was finally money being applied to study post-infectious illness (including me/cfs) going to the NIH as a response to long covid.
With the current cessation (or “pause”) of ALL federal grant money, including to the NIH which gets most of its money for research from federal grants, the order to cease communication between domestic health agencies, and the ending of all NIH study sections, which means that even with money, the NIH cannot issue research grants (this impacts current ongoing studies as well), HOW ARE YOU?
You who have held on for so long. You who showed up for the newbies to this hell and said not only is it possible to find a reason to keep living, this is the most hopeful time to have this disease. It’s never been talked about so mainstream before and research has never been better funded. You who have waited for so long to be seen, and felt like finally, maybe you were. How are you?
How can the community support you? I know what crushing disappointment and honest fear I feel. I’m wondering how you who’ve survived and been ignored the longest are feeling. I want to show up for you.
Let’s please let this be a safe place for those among us who’ve had this illness the longest to express how they’re feeling with the change in administration already directly negatively changing health funding, research and communication (which affects EVERYONE, but we can know from history it will likely impact me/cfs research disproportionately heavily).
Thank you all for the hope you’ve given this community. You don’t have to put on a brave face in this post. I honestly want to check in and ask how you are doing.