Not sure he comes across as well as he hoped there. He co-created a blatant Deathstroke rip-off with Fabian Nicieza, who later writers made into the character we know today. I suspect Marvel had enough of his demands.
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He was also name-checked in the movie. I feel like that's better than having your name in the credits twice, even if it was mocking him a bit.
Clearly we should put creator credits for Wolfman and Perez, who created the character Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) that Liefeld ripped off to make Deadpool (Wade Wilson)... or maybe whoever decided to make Deadpool goofy, because I'm like 90% sure Rob made him an edgy dude with a lot of pouches and poorly drawn feet and wrists, as he does most of his male characters (The female ones get skin covered spines for waists. Ribs? Never heard of them.)
Rob Liefeld is not the star of Deadpool. And he's been on the outs with both Marvel and DC more times than I can count.
You know what would be new for him? Learning to draw more than guns with square barrels, upside down mouths, and pouches. Maybe start with feet and work up?
I'm just gonna leave these here.
Also wasn't this dude, like, 21 when he ~~copied Deathstroke and added more pockets~~ created Deadpool? No wonder he was still tracing over photos of bodybuilders and then adding more muscles. He created tesseract physiques that would make Carl Sagan jealous. The guy drew four dimensional bodies in a 2D medium. Rather impressive, really
Credit where its due though, guy came in when comics were falling off hard in the 90's and his Pouch McMuscles style art helped to pull comics out of a big slump. Hell, he got Alan Moore to do cape comics again with Supreme, which was a treat. He's also one of the founders of Image comics.
He's got a complicated legacy, and honestly I'm happy the big mark on his career is his art stylings, and not the kind of shit that fucked up Ellis and Gaiman.
honestly I'm happy the big mark on his career is his art stylings, and not the kind of shit that fucked up Ellis and Gaiman.
Your absolutely right. At the end of the day nobody's perfect. It's fun to shit on some of his work, but also he had a dream, pursued it hard, and succeeded to the point we're shitting on his work. So he's a winner.
That Cap picture tho…
That Cap picture tho…
On one hand, I feel you fam. On the other...
There's no such thing as bad art
However, there is certainly bad tastes
In case anyone missed the gun=penis motif, he made sure to give it muscles too!
Yeah, coming with requests a month before release, great idea. I would also ignore or res tape him.