Florida Man vs Slimmer Man.
And Finally...
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- The Internet will resurface old "And finally..." material. Just mark it [VINTAGE]
They Might Be Giants’ next hit: a sequel to “Particle Man”.
Or Pearl Jam’s better man
Or Soundgarden's Spoonman.
Or Ween's Ocean Man.
Or somethingawful's Slenderman
that mugshot says flordia man all by itself.
Oh Slimmer Man, where you gonna run to?
Florida Man vs Slenderman would be more interesting.
Not to Slenderman, it wouldn’t.
No cutting. Thems the rules.
You cut, you eat the plate.
Oh how I wish there was video of this.
I imagine it like that church scene from Kingsman
Literal tabloid journalism to frame it as a weight thing when WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY was both right there and still framing it as a weight thing if you think about it.
Line cutting absolutely justified a physical altercation, the dad should in fact be ashamed of raising two degenerates, not guilty.
This shit would not be tolerated if we lived in a civilized society that respects the sanctity of the queue.
Letting this slide would be a step towards belly-to-butt queuing. This man is a soldier on a wall defending us from this: