There's NOTHING wrong with Elon being President and Elon getting HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS in MORE Federal Contracts? The REAL Corruption would be if President Elon's SON made money overseas!
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Conflict of interest much?
Gotta cut the budget of other departments so we can funnel that money to Tesla.
Grifters gonna grift.
That didn't read as if he still isn't being "considered" just that they aren't showing the company name on the list of "potential" vendors...
"Tesla’s name was removed from a State Department document that listed planned vehicle purchases after the existence of the list was reported late Wednesday."
"Later on Wednesday, a different version of the procurement document appeared online. It referred to “armored electric vehicles,” omitting any mention of Tesla."
To me that reads like "there was a list of specific vendors, now there's just a generic statement of product being desired with no vendors listed."
I mean they're still gonna do it, just later, after the attention dies down
Well Elmo musk can't sell his Tesla anymore now that people have realized they're shit and well, you know, the Nazi thing, so now that he is the dictator or the US, how better to give himself some money by telling the government to buy Tesla's?
They can say all they want that this was from before, I'm not buying it