Is this loss?
Political Compass Memes
A place to share your PCMs that you’ve gathered or made over the years! Now with 99% less bigotry! (We still hate Pomeranians on principle)
Here we enjoy jokes related to the Political Compass, a pointless astrological horoscope for political junkies. Libleft best!
Auths no auth - if it's suspected that you're not joking about suspending democracy or whatever radical auth thing is being discussed, you'll catch a ban.
No atrocity denial or apologia - just no.
Follow all rules
Why is auth left poly.
Most poly people are libleft in my experience (except the religious ones which is just a man and lots of women).
Because they're OUR significant others, comrade
Ah makes sense. I sometimes forget polcomp is a joke community hahah
Where's the grill?