I like the spacing of it.
Even 5% of the USA taking March 14th off, will shock the nation. Every additional 1% will rock it further to its core. Time to stand up and stand together.
"Power wants your body softening in your chair and your emotions dissipating on the screen. Get outside. Put your body in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people. Make new friends and march with them." -Tim Snyder
A community for sharing information about ways to get involved with real world activism to make the world a better place.
Spend less time arguing about politics on the internet. The world is in trouble. Get out there and try to help.
I like the spacing of it.
Even 5% of the USA taking March 14th off, will shock the nation. Every additional 1% will rock it further to its core. Time to stand up and stand together.
I'm with you.
I got to ask. What is the deal with timed protests like no buying amazom for a week? Is the USA that addicted? That's like saying I'm going to stop smoking for a week as a form of protest against Tobacco companies. It can have an effect but at the same time doesn't sound very threatening. All the power to them regardless and I support them! But still a bit toothless
First I've heard of the March 7-14 Amazon Boycott.
IMO the other three events are very unlikely to be effective in any way.
The boycott is at least achievable, and depending on the numbers you can enlist it may have a detectable impact on Amazon.
It doesn't matter whether the other events are "effective". People will meet each other and start/practice organizing.
If 5% of working people ‘sick-out’ on March 14, the impact would be very noticeable.
Very few single protest events will immediately fix things, that would be an impossible bar to consider a protest successful
It's a marathon. Large scale protests do force policy changes, even in dictatorships