
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 22 hours ago

You don’t need a degree or a certification to be a journalist. You are taking a flimsy norm that is on shaky ground anyway and elevating it to some higher status.

Journalists can use definitive language and protect themselves with adjectives like ‘alleged’.

Choosing ‘controversial gesture’ instead of ‘alleged nazi salute’ is an intentional choice and a cowardly one.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

All religions that do not use abusive child rearing and punitive social controls are dwindling in numbers of adherents.

A religion that does not use them will not last. Thus it is a feature of the phenomenon we call religion, it is as essential as reproduction to a biological species.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago (3 children)

There is quite a lot wrong with religion. It is inherently stultifying to follow it, regardless of flavor.

The purpose of a system is what it does. Religious systems make people easy to control and that control is used by charlatans, swindlers and perverts for personal enrichment.

They, all of them, use abusive child rearing techniques and punitive social controls to reduce the chances a person will break away later in life. There is nothing good about this. A few adherents may keep some independent moral judgment but that can be allowed as long as the mass is kept under control.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

But they only think of themselves as decent. Religious thought stunts one’s ability to make moral decisions in changing circumstances.

Sure, my pa is ‘decent’ and considered very kind by most, but he uses his religion to keep from having to learn to deal with his gay and trans offspring in a humane manner. His religion is explicitly harmful on those subjects even though he is otherwise mild mannered and ‘nice’.

Religion makes followers into lesser, less-flexible versions of themselves. This is not a good outcome.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

You certainly didn’t see an amoeba brain. They are single cells. I wonder if you heard about the efforts to do the same thing with a nematode?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

This is a watershed map of North America that expresses your point visually. Every colored area is drained by a different major river system. The Central Valley and urban centers of socal draw heavily from the Colorado watershed which would otherwise drain naturally into the sea of cortez in Baja Mexico.

It’s a sticky wicket once you think these things through.

And I have! It will result in snapping the USA nearly in half.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 days ago (1 children)

If this movement has any ground game, they may send a volunteer to your home at a time of your choosing to collect your signatures. Let’s say you had a small gathering of like minded friends? They would be there before the Domino’s guy.

Serious petition movements have a volunteer system set up where they mobilize passionate people with flexible schedules (i.e. usually adorable old ladies or the funemployed). They have to have a website with contact info.

I think it would be a very interesting national debate if this got traction, perhaps even a productive one.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 5 days ago (25 children)

Sorry California, you will have to negotiate with Colorado and Arizona for your water. So basically you have to take us with you.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 5 days ago (4 children)

Capitalism has never been healthier. This IS Capitalism, not an anomaly.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The Sacklers need an attitude adjustment.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

It is what it is, I am sure we can all agree on that.

But has anyone ever stopped to ask what ‘it’ is, like, really?

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 week ago

Unfortunately I think it is now necessary to think of such things if only to inoculate ourselves against the numbness that follows horror. They escalate in shocking steps as an intentional strategy to stun healthy people into inaction.

At least for me personally, I have chosen not to spend the next 4 years in a state of emotional shock. I get it, they are callous monsters. I won’t let them distract me from working with every remaining sane person in my life to destroy them.

The pearl clutching is strong with this one. As usual, they gloss over the fact that health insurance profits are determined by the denial rate. The author conflates necessary rationing of care in any system with the clear incentive of for-profit insurance to deny care. Such cupidity.

I would love to hear perspectives on the relative strengths and shortcomings of this study.

While the solarpunk in me loves the conclusion because it supports my deepest values, it is also a very strong claim, thus requiring strong scrutiny.

I believe this fits in politics, because, if true, this conclusion must still become politically accepted to be realized.

Article highlights:

As ecological breakdown looms, the basic material needs of billions remain unmet. We estimate the minimal energy for providing decent living globally & universally. Despite population growth, 2050 global energy use could be reduced to 1960 levels. This requires advanced technologies & reductions in demand to sufficiency levels. But ‘sufficiency’ is far more materially generous than many opponents often assume.

A trenchant analysis of the reactions appearing across the political spectra. Written from an anti-capitalist perspective.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I loved the policy post. We need that discussion.

We also need clear messaging. I mean, the recent unpleasantness of the election should have taught us all that having acceptable policy proposals doesn't matter unless the messaging is solid too.

You can surely see from my recent posts and comments what I favor.

I want to tap into the righteous anger we can suddenly talk about during this news cycle. Our message crosses political divides and the many false divisions we are burdened with.

So let's talk messaging strategy. Otherwise, our policy discussion will be as ineffective as most progressive efforts to date. We need to learn the hard lesson the right has taught us and use emotion effectively.

I will come right out and say that leading in our messaging with policy proposals is a losing proposition. It doesn't work. The hardest thing for a wonk to realize is that most people aren't emotionally moved by marginal tax rate discussions, even though that is an extremely effective policy tool to limit the power of the rich.

So we need parallel efforts here:

  • Get a simple clear message that appeals to widely-felt emotions.
  • Identify policies that shit on the rich by limiting their power. (See

Are we wanking online here, or are we starting something?


Seeking a bit of crowd wisdom here, as the topic may be of general interest.

What are the best methods to promote a new community on this instance? What behavior crosses the line? What practices seem to work best to grow a new community?

Thanks for any insights.


This is US focused but the principle of being involved in local issues is universal to all democracies.

Can I rant for a minute?

Why does every thread about voting devolve into bitching about the flaws of the Electoral College?

Fun fact: the Electoral College only pertains to the Presidency and there’s almost nothing you can do about that directly.

Think local, that’s where you can make a difference. Your local school board has the power to either support students or drive them to suicide. Local races frequently turn on a handful of votes.

So go ahead, sit out the election because the choices for president stink. I humbly submit that your superior moral stance may not be based on very firm principles. That trans kid down the block didn’t need your help anyway. /s


Aside from the fact it was a zoom meeting of almost 100 people mostly over 60, it was alright.

I should edit my title: What sort of personal demons drive a person to participate in party politics?

1000 Blank Cards experiences sought (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I played this game back in the 00’s and had a pretty good time. My friend group was quite creative at the time so everyone got it. It was a raucous good time.

I’m just contemplating trying again and was seeking experiences and maybe tips on pulling off a successful session.


Some mental health experts are advocating for religious trauma to be considered an official disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


Hi, question for the group.

I have a pi zero 2 running the lite OS suggested by the imager. I’ve been able to create a RAID with 2 240gb SSD on the usb port. Even during a peak read/write stress test, the power draw for the whole system doesn’t exceed 800ma.

Anyhow, ideally I would like to boot from this volume and elimante the SD card completely, but have been stopped by not even being able to boot with the root set to the RAID and the boot dir still on an SD. I can get it to boot when /usr and / var are on the raid

Has anyone any insights on different things to try? Perhaps even a good reason this can’t work would free me from this fools quest so my project can advance?

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