I know I should be hyped about space, but I read better train control and don't have the capacity to care about space.
Dreaming of transport belts
- All content must be Factorio related
- No political content
- Be nice
Last updated: 2023/06/05
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Factorio has never been on sale and will (probably) never be on sale
now this gets me excited. thanks for posting! I was quite skeptical at first considering there were a lot of similarities to space exploration, but the last paragraph really clears that skepticism.
Pretty sweet to see a dev recognize modding talent and hire them
I recently finished a K2SE run, so hopefully won't have to wait too long now until the expansion.
From seeing the title, I was wondering how similar it would be to SE.
Happy to see they addressed that in the blog post and looking forward to seeing what the new game mechanics are
Really interesting! I'm excited to see what sort of engine changes are required to support this, and what this update / expansion does that Space Exploration couldn't.
A more approachable Space Exploration sounds amazing to me. Those graphics look amazing
Weekly FFFs again, yeah!