A quick search on google proved really quickly that these numbers are incorrect.
Feel free to look it up yourself.
Edit: op edited the image.
A quick search on google proved really quickly that these numbers are incorrect.
Feel free to look it up yourself.
Edit: op edited the image.
Reason: Mis or disinformation. These numbers are not correct.
Seeing how you found such evidence, feel free to provide it, or it didn’t happen.
From Wikipedia:
In many countries, suicide rates are underreported due to social stigma, cultural or legal concerns.[3] Thus, these figures cannot be used to compare real suicide rates, which are unknown in most countries.
China Asia 6.7
North Korea Asia 8.2
South Korea Asia 21.2
And it didn't list numbers for Taiwan
You know what you're completely right. Fixed the numbers and added sources in the description.
Obviously it's because China and North Korea, being totalitarian dictatorships, have made suicide illegal and punishable by death!
(I have literally met someone who thought that suicide is punishable by death in China. Like if you try to kill yourself and survive they'll finish the job for you.)
I always find it fascinating how readily people in the west will believe the most patently absurd things about countries they've been told to hate.
And it's of course projection as always, for example, suicide was illegal in UK till 1961, and most other western countries also criminalised it at some points in the past.
Pretty much all the crazy accusations the west levels against the adversaries have either happened or are currently happening in the west.
I think it's because they're raised from birth having only heard these absurd notions and many never consider if they are truly absurd or not. It's kinda sad.
Those downvoters would be very radicalized if they could absorb information critical of capitalism.