That's several potatoes worth of fries
- Must be potato
- Cannot not be potato
at least 2
You’d get so full…
You underestimate the power of an American.
The center of our Venn diagram is coronary blockages.
Those would be so awful after like 5-10 minutes, everything below the top couple inches is just going to steam and get soggy
This may be the most important community on Lemmy. Thank you for your service.
honestly, i would probably choose a bucket of fries over a bucket of popcorn
I have a weakness for zucchini fries.
ooooh that sounds really good
My kidneys are screaming
Have a stone so big they just call it the rock.
Get a kidney stone so big they say that you've got some kidney in that stone
Pass the malt vinegar, would you?
I don't think potatoes give you diabetes........
They are full of carbs, right? Carbs/sugars… right?
You would have to eat a fuck ton of potatoes. The salt, starch, and oil from fries give you medical complications way before you get diabetes. If you go by that logic anything gives you diabetes from the carbs if you eat enough of it.
Diabetes is like the 2nd/3rd most deadly condition statistically.
If you go by that logic anything gives you diabetes from the carbs if you eat enough of it.
Isn't it true though?
Rice, pasta anything mostly carbs can contribute to it if eaten in excess
Needs gravy and cheese curds, then we're talking