This dude is on the right side of history. I'm hoping he can get out from whatever hole they're trying to lock him in.
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Arrested? For saying something? This must be all the free speech you were promised.
It looks like he was arrested for walking up into the well towards the council, not for what he was saying.
I think it's smart. He probably knew he would be arrested for it, and that it would spread his message a lot more widely if he were.
And, of course, they easily could have just stepped in front of him and told him he couldn't be in that area, without arresting him, which they probably would have if he'd been doing a pro-Nazi speech.
I am also extremely heartened that there were cheers when he called them Nazis.
Dude has balls and he's on the right side. We need more like this guy. I hope to be like him, honestly.
He wasn't arrested for saying something. At the end of the video he announces that he's going to engage in civil disobedience. He then walks around the podium and approaches the board--that's why he was arrested.
Yea that sounds like what a nazi movement would do
Another video, from the Star Tribune:
They don't really seem to have a way of linking to videos directly, but it's on the front page atm.
For a minute there (pre-Trump) I thought about moving to the Huntington Beach area. Bullet dodged.