Brutally true.
A lot of people don't want to admit how deeply white and cisgender man 80's/90's internet was, and that if there 'was no racism' it's because there were so few non-white and non-cisgender-men. It's literally why the whole "there are no women on the internet" thing still persists memetically even though it hasn't been true in probably over 20 years.
While there were indeed many nascent communities for the LGBTQ+ communities, they were small and often brigaded by trolls and jerks.
I remember around 2010 or so it being revealed that more women played games online than men, but "manly gamers" decided that the fucking droves of women playing Bejeweled and Peggle didn't count because they weren't "real games" (once again, according to all the cisgender gaming men who thought only war-games count). That was one of the first moments I realized the men around me were really full of shit.
I'm a white cisgender man and yet I just don't have the same happy memories of the internet at that time period that a lot of people do. I saw a lot of bullshit back then, and people wonder why it's so prevalent in the tech community now: because it was back then, too.
Emphatically, we were the problem all along.