I think both. I disagree with people who say it is not an investment instrument. Considering its future, for me it is the best instrument. Of course you shouldn't expect to make multiple Xs in short term. It is like gold, but better. Except the crisis times in the market, I always bought my moneroj at a higher price than my previous buy. So I'll go with it till the end. I am planning to apply DCA till its price reaches to 10.000 USD per coin:)
This is the lemmy community of Monero (XMR), a secure, private, untraceable currency that is open-source and freely available to all.
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Monero, XMR, crypto, cryptocurrency
I use it for both needs. The one issue is buying new Monero, I use swap services like exolix for that. Monero has the great future, as for me, bearing in mind it's the one crypto with true anonymity
Sounds well, about the crypto with anonymity. Actually, I also use it the same way
Monero as investment
the payment option
They complement each other. One without the other doesn't make any sense as there would be little incentive to contribute, use or hold.
I use it for spending and to store value.
It is up more than 2x since the binance delisting last year and has outperformed Bitcoin, anyone saying Monero can't work as a store of value is wrong. Because it's so stable, it works even better. During this week's crash I was not very worried because I knew XMR is rising in price die to its utility, not from speculation, and this crash did not impact its utility in the slightest.
Username checks out
This 💯
It's a good payment option but it's also a good store of value. Note, I didn't say speculative investment. If you want that, go to Bitcoin or beany babies.
A store of value holds its price over time and Monero does that. It especially does if you add in the ridiculous taxes that do not apply to currencies but apply to crypto currencies that are used as currencies (e.g. you can convert from CAD to USD and not pay extra taxes if you use USD even if USD goes up. You also don't need to keep track of each and every change.
And if "digital property/unproductive wealth" are created in your jurisdiction, that tax would not apply to USD on hand but would apply to crypto). I'm not a "taxation is theft" guy, but I do think you that fair is fair and XMR allows savings to be fair.
In addition, if I'm caught on the "wrong" side of another Canadian Trucker's protest styled even, XMR is an excellent store of value because 100% of the money in your back account or KYCed open block chain crypto can be locked but 0% of XMR can be. There can be no store of value if the value can be locked.
Like any other foreign currency
Mainly for payment, but I also buy low sell high
I'd rather store my money in a stable currency where I don't risk losing most of my money in a week
buy low sell high
Secure payment.
Transactional only. It is not a store of value
Why not a store of value? just interested why you think so
For monero to be a transactional currency it has to be slightly inflationary
For monero to be a store of value it has to be static or even deflationary.
Since the stated goals of many of the developers in the community is a transactional focus, going to the moon isn't what people are focusing on.
Thus i only use XMR for transactions
moon isn't what people are focusing on. would you invest to the projects that has people focusing on "moon"?