Canada wins again!
And Finally...
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Remember your media literacy training. One source is not enough. Make sure to type, "beavers gone wild" into your search engine to verify these claims. If you're running short on time, you can just do it at work.
"Fanuary" was last month, but I strongly approve of it being every month...
But did you have Januhairy too?
Inb4 the Daily Fail comes up with some anti beaver rhetoric.
jk's aside such a huge win for British rewilding, I've been following a few of the projects and other than the inevitable clash that's going to happen with the usuals it looks like a net positive for our countryside.
Beavers allowed to go wild in England
So we can expect our towns and cities to be blighted by beaver hen and stag dos at the weekends? Thanks, Starmer.
Beavers gone wild?
Can’t discriminate against beavers, they deserve the same opportunities.
Hehe, noice!
Feminism win