This thread kind of disproved itself
United States | News & Politics
I'ts possible to acknowledge that Democrats Suck while simultaneously acknowledging that electing one was the only chance to avoid a Trump presidency.
Fuck both sides of the shitbird
You must be on some weird ass instance. I see tons of reasonable anger at democrats and Republicans alike. I don't see upvotes for baseless tribal click bait like this tho
Nah, post something to /c/memes saying the US is a fascist nation and has been so for decades, it's upvotes galore.
Imply the democrats have anything to do with it, and suddenly what's the time in Moscow, how does Xi's dick taste like, yadda yadda
Oof sounds bad
The problem with American democracy is the voting system. A party that isn't either thre democrats or the republicans will never win because people know if they vote for anything else there vote will be pointless.
America needs preferential voting but will never implement it because it would mean the two party system will be demolished (which is in neither of the two party's best interest.)
It's not just that. It's that politicians get to pick the voters through voter purges,gerrymandering, I'd requirements etc.
Umm... Even us on .world agree that Dems are controlled opposition and useless if we want any actual change.
I mean, i usually get modest upvotes when i talk about this sort of thing. I believe if we actually want to stop this fall into authoritarianism, our first step is to take control of the Democratic Party. How do you do that? Don’t vote for Neo liberals and ignore everyone who cries that unless you vote blue no matter who the republicans will win. That obviously doesn’t work, and democrats work against leftist policies. They whole time leading up to the election it was all “now is not the time” well i played their game and lost. Now it’s time.
The only instance I've noticed that on is
Can you criticize Israel here or is it full of pro genecide bots trying to run a narrative?
This place is pretty far left dude lol. You wont find anyone pro israel here.
You can on, and
What the hell kind of answer is that? Are you saying that only the pro-Russia instances allow you to call out the genocide?
Speaking against Israel's campaign should never be disallowed (AFAIC, should be encouraged), but not as a fake pro-Trump talking point. We see how that turned out for Gaza.
Well everybody already knows that. Like.. The power dynamics of "vote lesser evil, vote for minority candidate, vote for a compromising pseudo-progressive party because it's still something, abstain and stay pure, better face true fascists than traitors, etc." has been around since representative regimes emerged. Yet everyone has to find his/her political and moral stance in this shitshow. And answers will differ, sometimes for legitimate reasons, sometimes because of total bs. That's all there is to it and it's not exactly news.
As a trans person i am currently eating shit for breakfast every day to protect myself, my friends, and humanity. Lesser evil is starting to look like "not being murdered" sometimes
Running a feckless campaign that refused to break with Biden's admin on genocide is why we got this living hell. And running the most unlikeable woman in the country in 2016 is what made 2024 even a possibility.
Dems have fucked up terribly.