I like the ability to have "Blur NSFW" content from the quick menu on the top right when I'm in public or at work. Why was that moved/removed?
Mlem for Lemmy
Official community for Mlem, a free and open-source iOS Lemmy client.
- Keep it civil.
- This is a forum for discussion about Mlem. We welcome a degree of general chatter, but anything not related to Mlem may be removed at moderator discretion. This is not a forum for iPhone/Android debate. Posts and comments saying nothing but "iOS bad/I use Android" will be removed as off-topic.
- We welcome constructive criticism, but ask that it be both precise and polite.
- When will insert feature here be implemented?
- Check our issue board--if there isn't an issue open for the feature you want, feel free to open an issue or make post! Just remember that devs are people too--we're doing this for free in our spare time, and building a quality app takes a lot of patient work.
- Is Mlem available for Android?
- No. Mlem is written using SwiftUI, which is not currently supported on Android. If such support becomes available, we will look into bringing Mlem to our Android friends.
- How do I join the beta?
- How do I join the dev team?
- Head over to our recruitment channel, or go straight to our GitHub and read CONTRIBUTING.md to get started.
In 2.0 we rewrote the whole app from the ground up, and just forgot to re-implement that feature haha. We'll add it back in for next week's beta 👍
Is there a reason the little upvote icon on posts turns blue on the feed but is uncolored if you open the post’s page? Makes it harder to see if you’ve upvoted at a glance
I assume you’re using compact or tiled posts in feed. We color the little arrow in those layouts but not the headline or large post layout (used in the post page) because the upvote button in the interaction bar is already colored, and coloring both looked pretty bad.
We didn’t consider that the upvote button might not be present when we made that choice, though—we’ll revise the design for the next build so it’s always easy to tell at a glance.
In the meantime, if you add the upvote button to your interaction bar (settings -> posts -> interaction bar), that should provide that readability.
Makes sense! Probably don’t have to spend much time on it, I’m still messing with the settings a little and might end up adding the button back
It’s absolutely marvelous, but the little info box about which image type is on display is in many cases covering text.
The image type label is only shown when Developer Mode in switched on under Settings -> Advanced. If you turn off that setting, you won't see the label. We've got an issue open to move the image type label out of the way of the image when developer mode is on (link).
Thanks a lot, and thanks for the great app! It’s a pleasure to run it (:
I'm glad you're enjoying it :)
It's sooo wonderful, thanks! 🫶
How do I enable gestures? I appreciate that swipe left to go back a page is here, but I can’t actually figure out how to interact with anything without opening a separate menu
You can enable gestures under Settings -> General -> Swipe Actions. You cannot have swipe actions enabled at the same time as the "Swipe Anywhere to Navigate" setting.
Ah gotcha, thanks!
Congrats on the release! Just got around to updating the app on my iPad.
Are filters broken or am I using them wrong? For example I previously filtered the phrase “PlayStation lifestyle” to block that particular website however I am still seeing its posts since updating and re entering my filters.
We updated the filtering logic in 2.0 to make it more reliably filter keywords around punctuation, but it looks like that broke multi-word filters. Sorry about that, we'll have it fixed in the next build!
Thank you for letting me know. Good luck!
Nice! Thank you (:
Very happy about the markdown editor!
Just decided based on this post to check it out as I used to use Mlem back when I first joined, then used voyager for the last year or so. It’s beautiful and smooth and I think I’m keeping it.
I LOVE the new design and for me it’ll replace Voyager (for now).
Is that a threat?
I searched for it on f-droid, too bad open source iPhone apps don't show up there 😁
Haha not yet, though there are some promising transpiler projects to bridge SwiftUI over to Android—nothing’s mature enough yet to make supporting both platforms viable, but it’s only a matter of time.
Damn, my iPad doesn't go beyond iPadOS 16. Guess I'm going out to get a new iPad. Great work!
Been using 2 since the beta and wanted to say great job to the devs. It’s very good and better than Voyager. Looks native and the markdown keyboard is super good.
The Loops integration is fantastic. Just love it!
It's so easy to see Loops content now!
Coincidentally yall updated the app right as I installed it. Gorgeous design, but the posts are so similar to comments I find it confusing sometimes. Would it be possible to have just the comments appear is bubbles while posts remain a rectangle? Or something visually distinct.
Looks great!
Love the new features. You could post the markdown editor as its own keyboard extension. Undo and redo right there are invaluable, maybe with cut and paste.
The only features I can think of is a toggle so when you scroll the feed, if you long press media instead of save/share have it show the media in something like Quick Look. And video scrubbing
I feel like sometimes people shy away from open source because it can be unpolished, but not Mlem. This is polished to a shine, and adding loops integration is a cherry on top.
Thanks for your kind words!
Scrubbing is actually next up on my todo list, so you shouldn’t have to wait too long for that one.
Amazing work 🤩
This update is going to cause another surge in user registrations!
Really like the new design and I think Mlem definitely carries the same "native" feel that Apollo used to. I just wish it had customizable swipes so I could make the switch from Voyager, but it looks like that's a low priority feature for now
Thanks for the feedback! This has a been a highly requested feature for a while. It would have been tricky to implement in Mlem 1.0 due to the app’s original design. However, in Mlem 2.0, we’ve built the swipe actions system with future customization in mind. We're planning to add customizable swipe actions sometime soon - the GitHub issue is here, if you want to keep an eye on our progress :)
That's great to hear! I saw the issue a few days ago but since it didn't have any comments or milestones (at the time) I assumed it was just lost in the backlog. Thanks for the update! :)
it just keeps getting better! thank you mlem devs!
No android?
Mlem is written in SwiftUI, which unfortunately is not compatible with Android. There are some promising projects to port Swift apps to Android, but nothing mature enough that we could feasibly support both platforms, though we’d like to if/when the cross platform Swift ecosystem matures enough for that to be realistic.
Totally understand and thank you for your excellent response
I adore the card mode!!
Not in Google play store. Seems to only be ios.
That is correct - Mlem is available on iOS only.