I am only able to continue riding a bicycle after the crash that broke my neck and back 11 years ago because I was in race shape at the time. Fighting two SUVs on a bicycle was rough. I'm certainly not able to put in 400 miles or more per week on a bike any more. I can't physically do much else other than ride a bike, even walking is hard, but I don't think I'd still be around if I didn't have my hour a day to escape the confines of a bed and get out of the house. I am a shell of my former self, but still enjoy the real freedom of a bicycle untethered to any real corporate tax for a right to exist on my terms.
Fairly happy. Four years in, and I feel like I'm getting most of the benefits from my homegym, insofar as my 5-day routine isn't limited by a lack of equipment or machines. My goal was to undertake a consistent resistance training routine and I think I have that now.
Where I go from here is likely to be focused more on diet management.
So-so. I'm back on a beginner program (after finally adopting an advanced program a few months ago and dropping out, since the volume was just too much). With the restart I changed my squat form (from low bar to high bar), tweaked a muscle due to this and had to do some diagnostic work (I had a little more knee cave due to this and my Piriformis took a beating during the ascent/rotation) .
Last year I ditched an addiction and my fitness watch broke. Didn't feel like replacing or fixing it, and went from 10k++ steps a day to maybe 7k. Gained a few KGs. They are not that noticeable on my frame (for others), but I don't want to have them around when its time to shed the clothes.
Now everything is stabilized, I can ramp up the weights and the cardio again and hope that the upcoming biggish calorie cuts are not going to completely fuck me over in the weightroom.
I wish i enjoyed running at any weather. Canadisn winter is too rough
I'm doing 5/3/1 + indoor bike HIIT now during winter.
I'm getting both stronger and faster, so that's good.
A few complaints, though:
- I'm time constrained which leaves me lifting less volume than would be optimal. I could maybe solve this by waking up earlier but that would jeopardize my sleep which is important for fitness gains
- Indoor biking is really boring and I much prefer doing it outdoors. Can't wait for the weather to get good enough for very long weekend rides
Recently moved on from a pure hypertrophy program to incorporating strength focused training for overhead pressing and deadlifts. First time using RPE and it's quite enjoyable. Will probably do another meso of the same program after a deload.