Well shucks the core definition of the word "mercenary" means one who is acting out of self-interest rather than loyalty. The only thing these MFs are going to do now is look for work.
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Yeah the only thing they're wondering is if they're getting their next paycheck or not. If not, they'll move on. If Putin installs a new head of Wagner and keeps the payroll coming, they'll fall back in line.
There were many senior leaders on the flight: Prigozhin, Utkin (early founder, commander), Chekalov (economic & security leader), Makaryan, Propustin, Totmin, Matuseev (all various commanders). While this seems super dumb to have all these folks on the same flight at the same time, apparently they were. With this much senior leadership now suddenly gone, the Wagner group may be struggling to get their own house in order before they can take organizational action.
There is even military rules since quite long time that says never ever put two important persons in the same plane in wartime.
I mean even if Putin actually "forgave" them, seeing all of them in one spot just makes 100% sense to go get them all in one go.
This is just a pet theory of mine.
I think the Russian Nazis a dictator trusted with power might have been kind of dumb.
@Valmond @Aesculapius Not just military. Most larger companies in the west have policies against putting too many senior leaders on the same flight. In peacetime.
Wow I did not realize Utkin was on that flight. They really got all of them in shot. That flight basically had a sign on it saying “shoot me.”
What an unfortunate accident 😓
Could they have been killed in other locations and the plane crashed to conveniently make a public narrative on how they're no longer alive? The bodies could have been loaded on thvle plane and crashed intentionally for all we know.
Much more complicated than a suitcase bomb. Also if you were the pilot would you fly a bunch of dead guys? How do you think that ends for you?
Hold on, you keep loading those bodies. I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back!
There are ways.... Unmanned plane, pilot parachutes out, kamikaze pilot (dying to regain his honor for putin for a wrong done, 'you have stage 4 cancer! you do this, we'll take care of your family'....)
This is the same government where someone brought copies of the sims video game to a “bust of Ukrainian terrorists” to show they captured phones and sims.
I know it feels good to imagine a grand over-arching plan in the world, but most of the time humanity is lucky to hold a bake sale without problems.
I don't expect them to do literally anything. Wagner is now dispersed across Belarus, Russia and Africa; those in Belarus and Russia don't have their heavy equipment anymore (taken away after the coup). Their leadership is decapitated, the two most important people in the PMC are dead along with several other higher-ups. The coup from 2 months ago wasn't endorsed by the whole PMC, it's been estimated that Prigo had only around 8k people with him - so today you should expect even fewer to rebel.
The "best" they might be able to achieve is some terrorism. But they're not trained for terrorism, so for them it's probably best to keep their heads low.
Who'd expect a band of former criminals reborn anew as war criminals to have any loyalty? So long as they get to be out there pillaging and raping they will be kept happy and as loyal as such a band could get.
This is the second phase of Putin taking control of Wagner. Their response will very likely be to follow his orders so they don't join Prigozhin.
Follow Putin's order to not join Prigozhin isn't very smart, but most people aren't.
Signing up with a notorious mercenary group was the original sin. Now it's just a fucked up game of frogger for them. The only smart move was to not play.
Prigozhin shouldn’t have held his breath wondering when Vlad would strike, but he definitely should have flapped his arms after it happened.
With not willing leader to take charge it is probably not going to happen, especially after Russia took most of their gear. They've had their chance and blew it.