I'm not trans but I hate this as well π my beard grows uneven so I can't even leave it on if I wanted to
Meanwhile my hairline loses land faster than the netherlands would if they didn't build dams
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I'm not trans but I hate this as well π my beard grows uneven so I can't even leave it on if I wanted to
Meanwhile my hairline loses land faster than the netherlands would if they didn't build dams
Oh damn hitting close to home today
Dikes, not dams :) Though I guess we also have dams?
Anyway, fuck facial hair.
I'm lucky I don't have the hair thinning problem. The beard sucks though, I always hated having a beard. It's one of the first signs looking back that I wasn't anywhere near as cis as I thought I was.
Now this is relatable
I'm not trans but I can relate with this. I would live very happy without facial hair.
How do you wear your 80s style moustache without facial hair?
I don't. That simple.
What do you mean, I don't really understand????
If one does not have facial hair, they do not use the 80's mustache. So, since my facial hair is, to say the least, lacking, I don't use th 80's mustache.
Where did I failed to follow your reasoning? I got that feeling.
But you don't have facial hair because you don't use the 80s moustache?
I don't have enough hair on my face to qualify for a moustache. Even if I let it grow for a month, I look like a balding rat.
Well did you ask yourself once what you can do for moustaches?
Me and moustaches are going to remain amicably unrelated.
Same here. And it's not just for to shaving. Why do I have hair on my shoulders, back, etc. I'd be happy if every single person was bald. Nobody can complain then, no judgement on hair choice, colour, etc. knowing us humans though, we would fine ways to make our skulls look different.
I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle I hate the daily struggle
Its simple. Have an expert stick a probe into each follicle and zap it painfully with electricity. All it takes is a shit load of money, time, and pain!
Rip and tear. Rip and tear until it is done.
(I wouldn't recommend this but I can't stop doing it)
Actually you can! Gently with tweezers or if you like to feel like a thousend bees sting you at once, you can use an epilator.
Laser hair removal
That's both expensive and not available where I live :P It is the long term goal however.
My older brother told the excited me that was beginning to grow facial hair that it's a curse cause you keep shaving and the next day it's back. I basically agree now.
And why does scalp hair not? π
Started using a facial hair removal cream, and holy shit what a difference it has made. My face is so much smoother now, and it stays smoother for way longer! Highly recommend for any femboys or transfems looking for a good facial hair solution.
For everyone asking, I use this! Not sponsored, I do not claim this is safe, but it's worked well for me the last few times I've used it and I haven't noticed any longterm issues. I apply it on heavy and let it sit for a little over 4 min, then I can just wipe away all the beard hair.
am I the only one whos facial hair started growing extremely slow after starting hrt?
Mine slowed, then laser did wonders. Then I hit my late 20s and it started coming in again because biology is a dick sometimes
yes :'(
mine's going just as strong as before
how long are you on hrt? it only started to grow slower like 3 months in
1 year a few days ago ! the rest of my body hair has been impacted, but not the beard
I got a nood flasher laser (light?) hair removal device for my wife a few months ago. It is safe to use on faces, but it does not work for all skin and hair colors.
Check it out, this gal's posting noods!
Now my beard is going bald too, and I'm like "finally, useful baldness". Good riddance.
I'm not sure if you're actually asking, or expressing the emotions involved in meme form, and I don't want to possibly make those emotions worse by bringing up the physiology of it without asking first. But, I do know a little about that specific subject, so I'm willing to type that out, if you're interested.
Not what I'm asking, but share your knowledge friend! perhaps behind a spoiler as another catgirl suggested
I hate it too, facial hair sucks. I wish I could just get rid of it. Sadly it might be a while before I can get electrolysis.