It’s not a ‘town hall’ if it’s restricted to a specific party affiliation. Your town elected you, you represent the town, the town includes others outside of your party.
Pleasant Politics
Politics without the jerks.
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Yeah when you are a candidate for election you have rallies of your people but once elected your expected to be working for you country and all the people of your area.
well I guess we're at that point where that has to be spelled out.
man was just looking at the youtube video for the teacher made to take down the everyone is welcome here sign and then the french scientist who was turned away after they searched the laptop and found discussions about trump policy that were critical of it. and of course there is the whole tearing apart the department of education. We are barely past two months in!!!
can you link that video?
youtube gives a lot of results but I liked this one
Then don't call it a townhall. It's a party meeting.
That's some soft ass snowflake shit.
The Rs are so afraid of pushback, it's hilariously sad. They're really weird!
Wasn't there some study a few years ago that scientifically differentiated "conservative" brains based on their overwhelming fear response to like, everything? Pretty sure there was.
Echo chamber...
Do I need to have a membership card, or is there a specific hand gesture I can do to prove my loyalty to attend the town heil meeting
a special armband with a lovely black cross thingy depicted on it around the left upper arm, and your right arm outstretched up at a 45 degree angle.
If you're not a member of the Party we cannot guarantee your rights or safety.
Taxation without representation you say?
Isn't this literally what the Republicans said would happen if we had communism?
Safe spaces for fascists. Every accusation really is a confession lol
My theory is that Republican politicans know their policies are shit, and that they themselves are pieces of shit, but lobbyists keep parking garbage trucks full of cash into their garage so they keep going.
How often have you seen the headline "Former Republican Dickwad criticizes Republican policy"
I mean at this point, what is the republican platform. What do they actually want?
Sure but it's the liberals that are snowflakes right? Are they scared of sNoWFlaKes?
Gonna laugh when they still boo that man, repug status notwithstanding.
What a stupid fucking shithead. "The 'town hall' is a private event" well enjoy jerking each other off, you fuck. Corrupt asshole idiot.
Please be advised that tonight’s townhall is a private event.
Then stop calling it a “town hall” when it’s really a circlejerk echo chamber, you fucking turnip.
You can take a quick glance at Andy Biggs wikipedia and see what a patriot he is!
give them the boot
We want to but we don't have any power right now. Give us a special early election where we can voice our anger. Otherwise we can't do shit because the most heavenly armed capital will just mow us down with guns.
Edit: heavenly is heavily, autocorrect is pro USA I guess.
Was that a Christian nationalist pun?
Heh autocorrect and human brain ability to read what it wants to when proof reading.
They are using staged audiences cool.
Every other comment seems on point, but I’m surprised no one has mentioned they are registered republicans. Why would you register with anyone but the one you can fuck with the most?
sounds like a great time to use molotovs people.
Lol THEY even USE the all caps for HOT TOPICS. WHAT a JOKE.
Edit: sorry it's not that funny that's just how I cope. republicans can be laughably stupid when not conniving.