That's a God tier comeback, and the friends are cunts. Fuck 'em.
> Greentext
Well… sounds more like the friends were all in the same one at the same time
Not necessarily at the same time but yeah
It's because you didn't out smart her, you out asshole'd her.
Nah she deserves it. OP can't do much about the speech impediment.. but the sister should have been careful
Is it wrong to be an asshole to an asshole now?
Socially? Yeah. More generally? Probably still yeah, but you'd at least have more people shrugging and saying "yeah, that tracks".
Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
One thing I've learned through personal experience, is that being the bigger asshole just makes everyone hate you, even if you're justified in your actions. It's not fair, but it is what it is.
It's a pretty good come back though.
(do y'all know how much I had to force myself to not say "cum back")
Guess she can dish it out but not take it, huh. Anon didn't actively choose speech impediments either, mind.
Oh she can take it. That baby is proof.
While the comeback is great, a rhotacism is pretty treatable with a bit of effort.
I'm an Isaac Arthur fan.
Classic graphics cat.
Lol, get rekt