Is it weird that a literally don't carry the same things everyday.
Everyday Carry. What essentials do you carry on a daily basis?
What do you carry on a daily basis?
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I'm more or less the same. It really depends on what I'm doing or going. I semi-solved this issue with a sling bag, which contains the majority of the things I might need on almost any given day, but add/remove things as needed. For example, if I'm going to a sports arena, I can't bring anything at all, but if it's a day full of errands around town, I at least bring the bag and leave it in my car.
Not at all. Me neither.
Wow, the Baton 3 is smaller than I expected. How do you like it, OP?
I like it a lot, it’s probably my most carried light. It’s especially nice if you’re wearing slacks and put it in a front pocket, longer flashlights don’t generally fit that space as well
I may have to get one! My EDC flashlight is either an Olight i5T EOS (shorter pen light that fits perfectly on my Leatherman case) or a more traditional pen light in my sling bag (don't remember the brand, but it's either Olight or Lumentop).
Not seasonal, no. Took me a while to work out why orange.... We don't celebrate haloween much here, and definitely not for an entire month.
I am more likely to have a bottle of sunscreen come summer, and gloves in winter. But no christmas sunscreen or anything. Unless it was on sale.
Yea I switch to Orange for September October and November for fall colors, and then to red and green for December. I recognize that it’s very over the top lol. I get it from my mother lol.
Yes. I tend to have a blacked out carry. Then I have an all black carry and lastly, an everything black carry.
I like the variety.
Mine all match with matte black, but not intentionally.
Nice flaming homosexual theme 👍