He had an accident while jogging, resulting in scratches and the eyepatch. The caption of the picture, which was posted on Twitter, literally said "Am curious/excited for the memes". His PR knows how to catch the attention of the internet lol
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He says it's jogging, but that's just to hide his secret identity as masked super hero at night where he runs through the streets of Berlin and fights evildoers with his fists.
Let's be honest, you don't wear an eyepatch as a super hero.
True, maybe he was attacked by British gentlemen in his secret lair where he is building a death laser to force the world to pay him 1 million Euro.
Nick Fury enters the chat.
Every supervillain thinks he's a superhero.
the caption was way more than that, it started with a quote of the beginning of a popular German proverb on Schadenfreude:
"Wer den Schaden hat..." - "Who has the damage..."
The latter part of the proverb exists in two versions, the more benign one ends in "...braucht für den Spott nicht zu sorgen" - "...doesn't have to ask for ridicule", the more cynical version ends in "...spottet jeder Beschreibung" - "...is ridiculous beyond description". Adding appropriate ending was left to the reader.
To be honest, I was surprised of seeing such a sense of humour in Scholz and his PR team, the jogging accident must have scraped off some of the Teflon he is usually coated with.
“you’re the worst chancellor i’ve ever heard of”
“but you have heard of me”
“you’re the worst chancellor i’ve ever heard of”
tbf, we've had worse
Wasn't it Söder or Merz who said the current government is the worst germany ever had? Still makes me laugh
Even appart from the Hitler thing, we had fucking Schröder, now Putins best friend and Russian gas lobbyist.
The must've learned this kind of polemics when Andreas Scheuer (CSU) visited Ron DeSantis earlier this year. Seems like they want to bring some of the American style of politics over here. Forgetting, that even the "liberal" Democrats are about as far right as the CDU/CSU would be here. But hey, at least their "Brandmauer" against the right wing parties still stands, right? Sadly it's made out of matches and sits on wheels.
For the interested foreign readers: our conservative parties are turning into right wing extremists and cooperate more and more with the Nazipart AfD and the slightly less Naziparty FW. The head of the bavarian conservatives and prime minister of the state of bavaria just defended his vice from the FW for his "youth sins" of glorifying the holocaust and demanding another genocide against the jews. The CDU has a guy who is peddling the same replacement theory as Anders Breivik and sporting lots of antisemitic conspiracy theories. He also used to be the head of the german interior intelligence, that is supposed to prevent Nazis from infiltrating the government.
Thanks to the strong support of the "conservatives", Germany is on a fast track to fascism again. And a lot of it is quite close to the 1920s original series.
Damn I didn't realize it was getting bad over there as well, I thought the CDU was still sane (even if it was corrupt). I guess it was a question of time
After the last election they went full on populism and basically run the same platform as the AfD now. Including a made up migration crisis, and claims the new government would make it too easy for people to work in Germany. Meanwhile we need 400k more people to migrate to Germany every year, just to replace the people retiring. Also people from the CSU went to visit Ron DeSantis in Florida to take inspiration from him. And that includes his anti LGBT platform with all the made up bullshit surrounding it.
Now that I think about it, this is exactly what happened in the UK where the Conservative party stole the rhethoric of the populist brexit party (UKIP), and won.
our conservative parties are turning into right wing extremists
Not really.
They are not extremists per se and the CDU/CSU has always had a populist right wing.
One of the more positive aspects of Merkel as party leader was that she managed to keep the more extreme voices in the Union somewhat in check and (at least temporarily) shift their social policy slightly more left (or rather less right).
Now that Merz and his ilk are gaining power again we just see them bouncing back to their old mindset from the last millennium.
they want to deny people their human rights as guaranteed by multiple international agreements Germany also has signed.
They want to deny people the opportunity to live and work in Germany despite knowing that it will seriously garm our economy and turn the social systems like pension upside down.
They work together with the AfD to harm democracy and democratic institutions and processes in order to do the equivalent of "owning the libs". They helped to stall the government formation in the state of thuringia and caused a two year government crisis, simply to deny the state government to be run by the left party, who won the election.
On the local level they work together to close youth centers, theaters and other places were the civil society is active, when they dont agree with their positions and promote ideas like respext and tolerance.
This isn't populism anymore. They are happily helping to bury democracy and liberal values.
Sometimes I like to comfort myself with the fact that Bavaria and the states where the AfD gets elected are far away. But they're probably not, and eventually we too need to face this.
How would any Bundesland be far away if it’s literally just a couple hours drive in any direction to reach the border? Europe isn’t that big actually.
Hehe. But fuel is way more expensive. So driving for 100km is probably the same as driving 1000 km in the US. But American people don't drive kilometers anyways.
You're probably right. I've been in another Bundesland last week. And to Bavaria last year. But I won't admit that.
Nur zur Klärung, ich bin auch Kartoffel, weiß das also auch aus erster Hand 😅
Sauber. Hoffe du wirst auch nicht von komischen Leuten belästigt und wohnst weit weg von Andi Scheuer, dem Söder und so.
(Ich glaube aber nicht, dass Kartoffel eine gängige Selbstbezeichnung der Deutschen ist.)
We had 16 years of Merkel who did nothing to improve this country and now the same party is crying because our current government cant fix in 2 years the ruined in 16
They are working hard on beating the current German government in a few years.
Pirate party support confirmed
He won't wear that permanently, they just wanted a memeable picture for the press release.
I mean, he isn't blinded, of course he's not using that permanently. Although it gives him a dangerous flair. Not that many eyepatches on international leaders.
So he can't jog but we expect him to RUN our country? /s
Well, he survived the dangerous trial, even if scarred.
Are We the baddies?
Sudden urge to take down.. metal gear
Starring: Democratically Appointed Boss
The economy... has changed
Kept you waiting, huh?
I hope he gets better soon, I really like him in Christopher Nolan’s films