
joined 2 years ago
[–] 49 points 10 months ago (10 children)

Where can I report this for drug promotion?

[–] 10 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I like to mention it often, but in Germany state run water companies run self-sufficient and even make money to invest in keeping the infrastructure alive. In my city we have a water loss of less than 2% due to well maintained pipes. Thames Water is losing like 25%!

I still can't believe how this company got to grift the British people in broad daylight and is now asking for more to grift and government in charge still wants more of this.

[–] 9 points 10 months ago

So Israel did the same thing as Iran, an attack that signals strength but isn't really a serious attack, but Iran actually ended the current issue here. I wonder if that's a level of finger too, that Israel couldn't stop without having the last word, but Iran actually could.

Both countries don't really want direct war with each other at this point, and Israel specifically has its hands full with Gaza and Hisbollah right now, its allies urging it to tone down the carnage and they have to snarl at an Iran that isn't even willing to fight against the US wishes. I can only take from this that Netanyahu that war will end and he has to take his hat.

[–] 13 points 10 months ago

Realistically Iran doesn't want a war right now. I think they're quite okay with not getting a kill. They made their statement without really forcing Israel's hand too much.

Although some warhawks are already masturbating to a fantasy of Israel retaliating.

[–] 27 points 10 months ago (13 children)

Yeah, people have to remember that Iran not only announced a response but actually announced when they launched their drones that would take 9 hours to arrive so Israel has some time to prepare. This was show of force, probably for the domestic audience.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago

The grift is so unreal.

Hamburg Wasser made a profit of almost 100 million Euro in 2022 and since it's owned by the state of Hamburg it didn't shit that profit out to shareholders, but invested it into the infrastructure.

And the Tories are still reluctant to nationalise this vital service that has nothing to do in the "free" market.

[–] 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Good question. Some say boycott the whole show or just Israel's song, I suppose you can boo if you're on location or be loud in the chat on the official livestream, generally use the buzz on social media. Generally, they will be aware that people will want to register their disgust and will probably prepare themselves for that.

I'd say generally, participate normally in Eurovision discussion and then make noise or boycott when it's Israel's turn. The media that love to report on the event, as it has a reach bigger than the Superbowl, will pick it up when it's enough noise.

Also watch out if some of the artists will say or do something. Iceland is always very itchy and gives no fucks.

[–] 16 points 11 months ago (5 children)

At the very least, I think Eurovision next month will get even more awkward than it was already set out to be.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago

Doch, das auch. Und es hat bisher ja auch gut geklappt, sonst würden sich Leute jetzt nicht so wundern. Mit denen sind wir fast an 200 toten Helfern gelandet, Journalisten und Besucher nicht reingezählt.

Israel war es bisher egal, weil sie immer mit ihren Ausreden durchgekommen sind. Hat man auch hier gemerkt. Erst haben sie was von Hamas IDE gesagt, dann von einem vielleicht Hamas Verdächtigen der vielleicht im Konvoy war (aber halt nicht) und nicht mal jetzt fühlen sie sich als müssten sie sich für irgendwas entschuldigen.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago

Ich empfehle hierzu das fantastische Interview von Channel 4 wo sie sich von dem Israelischen Sprecher nichts geben lassen und auch zwischendurch den Zinger reinhauen "okay, dann lassen Sie uns mal über die anderne 194 toten Helfer sprechen":

[–] 37 points 11 months ago

I mean, yeah. Most people don't even come close to that when adding up everything they earn in a lifetime. So to get a billion before 30, where more than half of your life was in school and growing up. Not much to generate wealth for investments. Building companies takes time and money too and you're not going to be a billionaire from working enough regular jobs.

[–] 35 points 11 months ago

Heck, if you want, you can pay with hard cash by mailing it with your payment token to their office. It's pretty great when it comes to choice of privacy.


Am Mittwochmorgen haben Aktivisten der Klimagruppe „Letzte Generation“ auf der Jahnallee in Leipzig die Fahrbahnen in beide Richtungen blockiert.


Den Akteuren geht es um einen Vergleich: „Die Proteste der Landwirte zeigen: Straßenblockaden und Demonstrationen können eine Veränderung in der Politik der Bundesregierung bewirken“, sagt Lennart Wenzel. Der Masterstudent der Luft-und Raumfahrttechnik hat sich auf einen mitgebrachten grünen Spielzeugtraktor auf die Straße gesetzt. „Was die Bauern und Bäuerinnen anders gemacht haben: Sie haben Traktoren mitgenommen. Das machen wir nun auch.“

Aus der ironisch gefärbten Strategie spricht auch Frustration. „Wir fragen uns, warum man in Berlin den Protesten der Bauern so viel offener gegenübersteht als denen der Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung“, so der 27-jährige Wenzel. Auf mitgebrachten Plakaten steht „Wir dürfen das. Wir haben einen Traktor“ oder „Hört auf uns, wir haben Traktoren!“.



Joe Biden has shelved plans for a pact with Britain that could have paved the way for a full post-Brexit trade deal.

The US president has decided not to move forward with a “foundational” agreement prepared by the US Trade Representative’s Office, that would have included negotiations over 11 areas of trade and regulation, following opposition from his own party in the Senate.

Senate Democrats argued that it would not have provided sufficient protection for American workers, Politico reported.

The UK’s hopes for a free trade agreement (FTA) with the US date from before the Brexit referendum, and faced an early setback when Barack Obama told voters that Britain would be “at the back of the queue” for a deal if it left the EU.

But despite US support for an FTA in the early days of Donald Trump’s presidency in 2016, the chance of a deal has now fallen to “zero” under Mr Biden, the Government believes.

ich_iel (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Swedish workers are uniting against Tesla. From tomorrow, cleaners will stop cleaning Tesla showrooms, electricians won’t fix the company’s charging points, and dockworkers will refuse to unload Tesla cargo at all Swedish ports. What started as a strike by Tesla mechanics is spreading, in something Swedish unions describe as an existential battle between Elon Musk’s carmaker and the conventions they say make the country’s labor market fair and efficient.

The standoff in Sweden is the biggest union action the company has faced anywhere in the world. Sweden doesn’t have laws that set working conditions, such as a minimum wage. Instead these rules are dictated by collective agreements, a type of contract that defines the benefits employees are entitled to, such as wages and working hours. For five years, industrial workers’ union IF Metall, which represents Tesla mechanics, has been trying to persuade the company to sign a collective agreement. When Tesla refused, the mechanics decided to strike at the end of October. Then they asked fellow Swedish unions to join them.

“Collective agreements form the backbone of the Swedish labor market model,” says Mikael Pettersson, head of negotiations at the electricians’ union, which plans to join the blockade tomorrow. “Fighting for the Swedish model becomes even more crucial when it involves such a large company as Tesla.”


Nach dem Vorbild der USA gibt es bald hierzulande einen Tag für ehemalige Bundeswehrkräfte. Im Bundestag geht es nur noch um letzte Details, ein mögliches Datum gibt es auch schon.


Auf dem Rückweg von Recherchen über Gewalt radikaler Siedler gegen Palästinenser ist ein ARD-Team im Westjordanland von israelischen Soldaten festgehalten und bedroht worden. Das ARD-Studio Tel Aviv sieht darin einen klaren Angriff auf die Pressefreiheit.

Ein Team der ARD ist im palästinensischen Westjordanland von Soldaten des israelischen Militärs (IDF) festgehalten und bedroht worden. Nach Angaben des ARD-Studios Tel Aviv, das vom Bayerischen Rundfunk (BR) betrieben wird, war Korrespondent Jan-Christoph Kitzler mit einem palästinensischen Mitarbeiter sowie einer deutschen Mitarbeiterin bereits auf dem Rückweg von einem Interview, als sie von israelischen Soldaten südlich der palästinensischen Stadt Hebron gestoppt wurden.

Wie Kitzler berichtet und Handyvideos des Teams belegen, verhielten sich die Soldaten gegenüber dem ARD-Team überaus aggressiv. Mehrfach wurden Waffen in das Teamfahrzeug gehalten. Immer wieder filmten die Soldaten das ARD-Team aus nächster Nähe - für Kitzler und das Team ein klarer Versuch der Einschüchterung.

Soldaten offenbar eingezogene Reservisten

Bei den Soldaten handelte es sich nach Angaben des Teams vermutlich um Siedler aus der Gegend, die nun als Reservisten eingezogen wurden. Sie waren mit einem Privatfahrzeug unterwegs und trugen zivile Kopfbedeckungen.

"Die Soldaten haben uns mit ihren Waffen bedroht und uns gefragt, ob wir Juden seien. Unsere Kollegin wurde als Verräterin beschimpft", berichtet Kitzler. Das ARD-Team war vor Ort, um über Gewalt radikaler Siedler gegen Palästinenser im von Israel besetzten Westjordanland zu berichten. Diese ist mit Kriegsbeginn deutlich angestiegen, zahlreiche Fälle sind dokumentiert.

"Wir können das Vorgehen nicht akzeptieren"

Für Christian Limpert, Leiter des ARD-Studios Tel Aviv, handelt es sich bei dem Fall um einen Versuch, die Berichterstattung aus dem palästinensischen Westjordanland massiv zu behindern, auch andere internationale Medien seien betroffen. "Für uns ist es der zweite Vorfall innerhalb einer Woche. Unser Team hat sich klar als akkreditierte Pressevertreter ausgewiesen und war fernab militärischer Sicherheitsbereiche. Wir können das Vorgehen des israelischen Militärs nicht akzeptieren."

Erst nach mehr als einer Stunde entspannte sich die Situation, nachdem weitere israelische Soldaten und auch Polizeikräfte hinzugezogen wurden. Telefonisch vermittelte zudem das für Auslandskorrespondenten zuständige "Foreign Desk" des IDF.

Der BR betrachtet das Ereignis als einen Angriff auf die Pressefreiheit. Das mehrfache Vorhalten der Waffe sei völlig inakzeptabel, so BR-Chefredakteur Christian Nitsche. Unter anderen auch die Foreign Press Assoziation (FPA) in Israel hat angekündigt, in der Sache aktiv zu werden. Das ARD-Studio Tel Aviv wird einen Anwalt damit beauftragen, eine juristische Aufarbeitung des Vorfalls zu prüfen.


During Musk’s visit Friday, Tesla executives informed workers that the company would raise wages by 4% effective in November for the around 11,000 employees at the German plant, people familiar with the matter said. Tesla will also pay a 1,500 euro bonus in December to offset inflation. Starting in February, Tesla will raise annual wages by an additional 2,500 euros for workers in production.

The wage increases follow heightened tension between Tesla and IG Metall, Germany’s largest labor union, and a separate confrontation with Tesla service center workers in Sweden.


Tesla is failing to play by Swedish labor rules, unions claim. Now a strike that started with mechanics is beginning to spread.


Wenige Stunden vor der konstituierenden Sitzung des Bayerischen Landtags ist der AfD-Abgeordnete Halemba verhaftet worden. Gegen den 22-Jährigen wird unter anderem wegen des Verdachts der Volksverhetzung ermittelt.


Jatinder Singh, from Smethwick, was summoned to serve as a juror at Birmingham Crown Court on Monday

But, he said, a security guard refused him entry at the court over his kirpan, the sword carried by all Sikhs.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said Mr Singh was released from his duties as there was a surplus of required jurors.

Meanwhile, His Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) has apologised to Mr Singh.

Khalsa Sikhs carry the five Ks with them at all times, as a symbol of their faith.

These include Kesh or uncut hair; Kara which is a a steel bracelet; the Kanga, a wooden comb; Kacca or cotton underwear and the Kirpan

Mr Singh, who has served as president at Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Smethwick and as secretary general of the Sikh Council UK, said this was the second time he has been summoned for jury service, the first passing with no issue.

On this occasion, he entered the morning session with no problems, but when he tried to return to the court after lunch was pulled aside by a security guard and told he could not go in.

"The security guard said I could take [my kirpan] off and leave it with him and collect it at the end of the day," he said.

"I felt like a child who has gone to school and taken something they shouldn't and had it confiscated.

"To have that happen to me, I felt embarrassed, I felt discriminated against, I didn't expect it to happen to me."

He called for the (MoJ) to work with Sikh and other religious organisations to create easily accessible guidelines that can be provided to staff.

Dabinderjit Singh, the principal adviser to the Sikh Federation UK said it had written to Justice Minister Alex Chalk asking him to condemn the treatment of Mr Singh.

The MoJ said members of the Sikh community wishing to enter a court building could bring in a Kirpan which was not more than six inches long (15cm) and with a blade no more than five inches (12cm) in length - which Mr Singh said his was.

A spokesperson for HMCTS added: "We have apologised to Mr Singh for any distress caused and have reminded our contracted security officers of the correct steps to take to prevent this incident from happening again."


Foreign Minister Eli Cohen told Israeli Army Radio that Israel's war aims are not just the total destruction of Hamas, but the country also aims to reduce the size of Gaza. The pronouncement is the most explicit indication yet that Israel will move to annex parts of Gaza, as some analysts have speculated.

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