Clear channel ruined radio
FYI they rebranded into iHeartRadio.
Clear channel ruined radio
FYI they rebranded into iHeartRadio.
Radio must have been one of the first modern things to go through the "enshitification" process.
Yep. Endless focus groups to rate which songs to play. Extremely small playlists and the hosts are so annoying you want to punch them. Thank god for the internet and endless amounts of music, I never need to listen to radio anymore.
There used to be good stations, with hosts choosing the music they want to play and having a good taste -- even better if it's different from mine so I can hear something new.
All gone now...
I have this one station I like to listen to that plays a variety of stuff from local artists and the like. Very few ads too, though they occasionally go into “soliciting for memberships” mode now and then.
Nothing but maroon 5 and imagine dragons from here on out.
We used to just leave a vehicle parked somewhere while we made dinner or did other stuff and let the radio play!
People sometimes would stop by and realize, after a bit of convo, they were hearing something and be baffled as to what the hell we were listening too.
My friends and I would do the same thing. When we got tired of playing, but wanted to keep listening to the music or talk shows.
The talk radio was the best! I was not a fan of most talk radio past morning shows but I loved all of the GTA ones. Somehow it made more sense listening to their off the wall shit than the real talk radio stations.
I used to love listening to Chatterbox on GTA 3. Lazlo and the Hispanic guy used to make me laugh like crazy, and now I listen to NPR and podcasts so I guess I eventually learned to like talk radio.
I had a software that ripped gta music and ads and shuffled them so you can burn a cd to play in your car with the same in game radio.
Loved cruising around with k-rose on from San Andreas. The ads kill me every time.
I wonder how long it would take for a passenger in the car to figure out it's not real radio...
Vice city's sound track was my soundtrack to life for a long while. It really made me appreciate 80s music.
Also chatterbox from gta3 was so good. I loved Laslow.
The talk radio is for sure. Dr. Ray De Angelo Harris aka JB Smoove.
Hit me with the stick!
When Vice City came out Rockstar also released a box set CD compilation of the radio stations from the game. To this day I firmly believe it is the best '80s compilation to ever be released.
It made me nostalgic for 80s music. I think it exposed a generation of kids to it that may not have heard it otherwise.
My name's Lazlow and you're on Chatterbox! Thanks for calling in.
I'm a first time caller. I wanted to say something about these videogames, they are warping our kids minds. My sons dog, Bugle, got hit by a truck, and he says mommy, mommy, where's the reset button?
Radio Espantoso introduced me to a whole genre I never knew existed
Useless. Talentless. Asshole. Haha I love those guys. -Maurice Chavez
Have also been guilty of leaving the car parked and listening to the radio. Download the files from YouTube while they're hot :)
Vice City made me appreciate 80s music at a young age. I really appreciate the thought that went into selecting abd producing the sound track. I have the full OST release on CD - not sure if it is a bootleg or not, I don't really care.
Los Santos Rock from GTAV with Kenny "Danger Zone" Loggins as the DJ is incredible.
GTA radio is literally just songs that used to play on the RL radio 😂
The announcers and commercials are better in GTA, thus better than IRL
Funnily enough, I recently found out the drummer in my band's Dad had a song in Vice City!
I would just drive around busting three wheel around the corners with my homies in the drop top just listening to the radio. That was more fun than the missions.
If you use Pandora music you can enter Vice City as a radio station to play on it. You don’t get the talking stuff but it does play all the songs (and related 80s music).
Burnout: Paradise FTW! DJ Atomika is my boy.
I absolutely love that JunkieXL cut of "Cities In Dust". Damn EA and their weird handful of songs that can't be legimiately acquired.
VROCK and RADIO LOS SANTOS. Legendary stations.
Fucks talking about real estate and unrealistic expectations are my real radio. Awful compared to VC
Fallout 3 and 4 are my jams.
It's not a radio, it's a playlist. We have those everywhere.
It's not just the music, also the talk radio, the moderators, the news, the ads,...
Louisiana woman, Mississippi man We'll get together every time we can The Mississippi River can't keep us apart There's too much love in this Mississippi heart Too much love in this Louisiana heart
No, I will not change your mind.
"I was dancing with my lighter and my hair went up like a Christmas tree."
- DJ Toni 15 years earlier
GTA IV wktt always cracks me up. Definitely helps Patrice O'Neal and fez whatley voiced some of the skits.
4's still my fave but need to go back and play San Andreas and vice city today to know for sure. Anyone played them recently? They hold up?
I see no lies. GTA always had such an iconic radio.
Chakra Attack!
Radio Broker and Electro-Choc were ridiculously influential on my later music preferences.