Admittedly it’s been awhile for me but Hobbit 1 I remember as being … decent? Still pretty close to the book. Again it’s been awhile for me.
Farmer Cotton: “They are NOT for eating!l glares at teenaged Sam
Bobo gordo hobbitos! Lo arruinaste!
The meme would work better if white would be in imminent checkmate unless black did the boneheaded thing.
Silmarillion tl;dr. Feanor did nothing wrong.
SARGE, his spouse confused, his parents lost.
Sean Bean: meh, rookie.
We just got a Mach E. It’s a seriously nice car.
That only counts as one, Gimli.
I don’t think therapy can help everyone. I think it can help those who are (either knowingly or subconsciously) looking inward for solutions. For those of us that are fairly comfortable in our own skins and are frustrated by externalities, I don’t think therapy would be very productive. That said, at a personal level with the goal of self improvement I probably could be a little more introspective about some things but I’m not bothered enough to go to a therapist for it.
Galadriel sure gave them a nice boat.