Just type a user name without an @address and a password and click sign-in. When it fails you should have an option to proceed with a local account.
Windows 11
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This. If it is windows pro, you will need to select for personal use, and after entering something like [email protected] and a gibberish password it will prompt you for a local account.
Use the email "[email protected]", and anything as the password. It'll reject it and give you a way to just use a local account instead of a Microsoft account.
You can also use [email protected]
Or press shift+F10, which opens CMD, then type oobe\bypassnro which restarts windows installer and lets you use a local account
Disconnect from the internet and you get an option to use a local account.
Windows is so quirky™
She's not like other OS.
W11 when it has an issue: "Something went wrong. UwU"
We can do it the easy way or the Microsoft way.
This will forever be their new advertising motto:
We Can Do It The Easy Way Or The Microsoft Way.™
Shit, you serious? Worth the attempt lol
Yep, can't verify your ms account if the device doesn't have internet access.
This is the answer
[email protected] as email
Anything as password. (Just type 1 or something)
Press OK
You will get an error saying it doesnt work and you can continue by creating an offline account, inatead of logging in
Its the easiest way. You can also do some command prompt bullshit and restart etc but.. my trick is easier and faster.
Every time I tell people about this I get downvoted and called an idiot.
It seems to be an unreliable method, sometimes it works but sometimes you can do it a dozen times and it'll still just keep looping back on itself. Never figured out what the exact reason was but I think the looping is more common with laptops.
Yeah, but you can create local account.
Choose any of these 3 options:
A. Shift+F10 (opens cmd) > OOBE\BYPASSNRO
B. Continue until getting to creating account
B.1. Account > [email protected]
/[email protected]
/[email protected]
/[email protected]
/[email protected]
/[email protected]
/[email protected]
/[email protected]
B.2. Password > *enter any random password*
C. […] > How would you like to set up this device > Set up for work or school
With an existing system:
• CMD > net user /add *
I honestly can't tell if this is how you actually set up a local account or if it's a joke about how ridiculously difficult everything is getting that is not exactly the Microsoft way
I just bypass it by trying to log into 'my Microsoft account' of "[email protected]" and it's always jumped to the local account creation process.
It is the actual way...I have to setup dozens of computers for my company with this method.
If you have another computer you can use a win11 iso + Rufus to automatically create a local account but be aware it by default will have your password expire after 6 months. To fix this (requires 11 pro) go to start menu and type "lusrmgr.msc" find your account, right click "properties" and uncheck "password expires"
Its not.
how ridiculously difficult everything is getting that is not exactly the Microsoft way
Always was.
Just use option A. Shift+F10 (opens cmd) > OOBE\BYPASSNRO
Then tell it you don’t have internet when it asks for an MS account.
Use email [email protected] and gibberish password. It will bug out and you can make a local account.
It's unfortunate we need to do this to create a local account instead. It's smells of Dark pattern.
You still need to be watchfull. Windows will ask like 4 times or more to make an account because 'its better'
Leave cable unplugged and Wi-Fi off. Hit shift + F10 for a command prompt, type OOBE\BYPASSNR This removes the internet requirement and brings back the skip for now button. This is a new thing for Home edition in 22H2. I want to type out about how much I dislike both enterprise and consumer Microsoft products, but “if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all” something something. Good luck with your new computer!
If you have another computer, download the Windows 11 iso from Microsoft.
Then download Rufus and use it to make a bootable USB key from the before mentioned Iso. It will ask if you want to disable Microsoft account requirement, as well as other things like TPM requirement and the likes.
Install Windows from that USB key
There are workarounds but if you're not comfortable with them, you can create a "burner" account and then create a new Local Account from there. After that, you can delete the user linked with the M$ account.
You could just install the other OS
I absolutely hate Microsoft for this. It's been a thing since at least the middle part of Windows 10.
Teach your older family members to print and do small tasks on linux. KDE and Gnome are really beginner friendly.
Install Linux 😏
Install Linux from a usb key.
Install windows into a virtual machine.
You can get your windows product key from Linux by following this https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-find-windows-10-oem-product-key-command/
Dont connect it yet to the network/internet until you finish the whole configuration stuff.
100% Inloggningsalternativ. Literally means "Alternative ways of login"
At the previous step you should have an option to set up for an organisation/school. Follow that route and you can find options to create a local account.
i imagine that you can't just never turn on windows? like boot from usb on first boot and wipe that thing off.
They want you to use their cloud services. I just make a microsoftsucksmamukildick@microshaft dot com and be done with it.
Use the email address [email protected] and a random password. It will fail but it will allow you to setup a local account instead
The disconnect from the interwebs trick and the other tips below should work. If you to install linux make sure to look up what is supported so far and what potentially needs work. Nowadays most things work OOTB save for some webcams with Windows Hello support :)