
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 6 hours ago

Musk has been feeding money to right wing parties in Europe and trying to stir shit up.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 20 hours ago

Welcome to the Internet. (This is a song not some weird shit)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

But it can run cyberpunk at a whole 21 frames per second!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

iirc the machines that TSMC uses are made in Holland right when he's also apparently doing his best to piss of Europe, even then there's like a decade long order backlog.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

This is the part that I find oddly infuriating even though its already hitler. The guy was an awful leader, the allies even stopped assasination attempts once they realised how much of a hinderance he was to the German war effort.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Aren't all soldiers signing up to kill people for money, yes he's on the opposing side and we can hate him for supporting a fascist war machine that's trying to annex a soverign nation; but I don't see how we can hate him for the simple act of being a soldier unless we're prepared to say that about all of our own soldiers as well.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

I believe there is an object called a brown sub-dwarf which jupiter would clasify IF it wasn't part of a planetary system that basically represents the smallest type of failed star, however since jupiter formed from a protoplanetary disc it is indeed a planet. It really is a bit of an issue with our classifications that they're context dependant though. E.g the moon on its own could be a dward planet, earth orbiting at the same distance as pluto would also be a dwarf planet even with no other changes.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Currently on a very locked down version of firefox but also windows, though I've been experimenting with mint on an old laptop in prepration for a switchover.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I recently discovered windows actually has a set of far more specific troubleshooters which actually provide useful information about a problem but you have to dig around in legacy settings to find them.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

I wouldn't be surprised if China spent more on AI development than the west did, sure here we spent tens of billions while China only invested a few million but that few million was actually spent on the development while out of the tens of billions all but 5$ was spent on bonuses and yachts.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

The US is also a regulations haven compared to other developed economies, corporations get away with shit in most places but America is on a whole other level of regulatory capture.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

~~homicide~~ *execution

And to clarify I don't normally believe in vigilante justice but these people removed themselves from the justice system so why should they be protected by it?


So I am playing with the Hardcore 22 V2 mod which makes enemies a lot more deadly but removes the egregious spongyness of very hard mode in exchange.

This gun just has it all, quick fire shotgun blasts for cqb, long range still fairly quick lovetaps to the head for when a ton of enemies are rushing you at once and of course a charged mode to punch through walls, just beautiful with stalker optics (I also banned myself from using the middle click highlight because its OP as hell)


Item #: SCP-NC482

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Infected induviduals are to be kept isolated inside a secure biological containment cell of class 2 or higher; anyone working with or performing autopsies on SCP-NC482 subjects is required to spend at least 3 days in isolation following cessation of work. Any non D-class personnel showing symptoms are to be given the choice of immediate termination or demotion to D-class for the purposes of furthering foundation research into SCP-NC482.

In cases of SCP-NC482 discovered in the general population mobile task force Chi-7 "Plague Tamers" is to be deployed and the immediate area quarantined under the guise of an outbreak of vaccine resistant polio. Following 3 days of quarantine infected civillians are to be transferred to site-234, uninfected civillians are to be released though remain under monitoring for a further 7 days. Following the removal of non foundation personnel the entire area is to be thoroughly sterilized and all computer equipment within the area is to be removed and incinerated.

Description: SCP-NC482 is a contaigous neurological condition seemingly originating from computer equipment, though SCP-NC482 primarily spreads through person to person transmission the foundation has been able to ascertain in ██% of cases that the patient zero of any given outbreak was in the act of using a computer at the time they started showing symptoms. What exactly causes the initial onset of symptoms in such cases is unknown and research into this is presently suspended, pending a decision from the foundation ethic comittee following the deaths of █ junior researchers.

SCP-NC482 infection comprises the following stages:

  • Stage 1 of the SCP-NC482 infection manifests immediately upon exposure, the infected individual will become noticably more energetic and begin emitting a feint odor similar to ascetone.
  • Stage 2 begins within approximately 5 minutes following initial exposure, during this stage the digestive system begins to shut down and the infected individual will lose the ability to feel hunger or thirst; at the same time the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain will begin to acidify.
  • Stage 3 begins 1 to 6 hours after exposure depending on the presence of food and waste products within the infected individuals digestive tract upon initial infection. Once all solid material has been removed the infected induviduals digetive tract (with the notable exception of water which is entierly retained) the infected induviduals body will begin burning body fat in order to sustain itself. During this phase the infectee will also begin retaining water, losing the ability sweat, cry, salivate or otherwise excrete bodily fluids by any means other than injury.
  • Stage 4 of SCP-NC482 infection is highly variable in its onset, with this stage only beginning once the subjects body has consumed all available body fat. Following the end of Stage 3 infection the cerebrospinal fluid around the infectees brain will have reached a PH similar to that of stomach acid and an organic film will begin to form on the outside of the subjects brain identical in structure and composition to stomach lining. The onset of this phase is marked by inflammation across the entire body with the exception of the cardiovascular system.

Addendum from researcher Dawkins: Stage 4 is significant in being the first phase of the infection to cause distinct physical discomfort to the subject, up to this point in the infection most induviduals won't experience anything worse than a dry mouth, and if left uncontained may continue their daily routine spreading the infection among their local community.

Following stage 4 however infectees will be subject to increasing amounts of pain brought on by rampant inflamation and multiple organ failure.

  • Stage 5. Considered to be the terminal stage of SCP-NC482 infection, in most cases this can last up to █ months, during this stage most of the bodies muscle tissue and internal organs will be slowly dismantled by its own immune system with the resulting products being transferred to the pseudo stomach around the brain by what remains of the circulatory system. Subjects will remain alert and conscious throughout this process only sucumbing once all other organs have been consumed and the immune system finally begins dismantling the heart and lungs providing the brain with oxygen.

Experiment Log #NC482-01
During initial researcher into the long term effects of SCP-NC482 on subjects researchers became curious as to how the disease might progress further if oxygen were to be artifically introduced to the brain via an ECMO machine, preventing the usual death by hypoxia. Though experimentation was ultimately shut down by the ethics committee the following results were obtained before cessation of testing.

  • Stage 6. Following the attachment of an ECMO machine to the remaining blood vessels surrounding the subjects brain the infection was noted to begin consuming bone and dermal tissue, starting at the extremities; as a result what remained of the subjects body appeared to gradually recede into itself in a manner resembling the damage caused by necrotising fasciitis, though far more complete. Following ███ days after the onset of stage 6 the subjects limbs had completely dissapeared, with the torso following after a further ███ days leaving the subject as little more than scab covered head. Despite this the presence of eye movement, and periodic ECG readings confirm that the subject remains concious and aware of its surroundings.
  • Hypothetical Stage 7. Theorised to occur following stage 6, it is believed the brain would eventually finish canibailizing the subjects head before ultimately re-adsorbing the psuedo-stomach formed during stages 2 to 4. Following this we can only assume death would occur due to the loss of any kind of protection from the external environment, though a slowing of brain activity and increase in delta brainwaves measured towards the end of stage 6 suggests the subject may enter a time-dilated dream like state, potentially experiencing far more time passing from their own perspective.
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Continuing my recent playthrough of deliberately letting myself get distracted by every vaguely interesting piece of scenery here are 4 interesting spots around night city that never come up in scripted gigs.

Fairly easy to find, a random security gate near the Kiroshi Optics HQ leads to a surprisingly detailed little loading bay.

Beneath an unassuming overpass lies a whole little village of tyger claws. This area even includes a tyger claw dragon who's appears to be particularly tough, akin to the minibosses often found in criminal activity scanner hustles.

Just a hop, skip and jump from Dantes Den (literally) how many of us have ever looked down to realise there's a whole housing block sealed in by a wire mesh, based on a light in a bottom floor window it appears to still be inhabited to. (The media outer chest piece can be found on the balcony to the right of the image)

Just down the hill from the monestary we can find a whole abandoned housing development, as well as a gas pipeline running underneath the highway. Alas the alluring skywalk of mystery has an invisible wall that prevents the player from following it past the black electronic billboards.


On this playthrough I've decided to just wander around Watson a bit before the heist and keep finding streets I've never seen before, even on previous playthroughs where I walked everywhere. This particular street is practically subteranian and its a shame most of the content takes place at surface level or in the main streets when there are great environments like this hidden around the place where most players will never see them.


So for a lot of people Patch 2.13 has been a great performance boost; though I personally have a 40 series GPU and intend to keep using DLSS since it looks better (FSR 3.1 when CDPR?) FSR does actually gain me significantly more frames at the cost of some visuals.

However some of you (like me) will have initially had a significant FPS drop compared to pre-patch, along with weirdly low GPU utilization and loss of access to frame gen for 40 series cards. The fix is simple, go into windows graphics settings and enable hardware accelerated GPU scheduling. For me at least that solved all the above issues and I hope it can for some other people too.

Small update:
I was just trying some things to get latency down and while I was in Nvidia control pannel decided to give:
"Texture filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization"
A try. I can confirm that I saw almost no shimmering and it dropped my GPU/CPU useages from about 70% to 50%. I'm playing at 1080p with DLSS on balanced and settings maxed. My system is a 32GB of ddr4, an AMD 3700x cpu and an RTX4070 GPU for reference.

Thought I'd add it to this post because it seems to be a fairly substantial performance boost with no downside, at least on my setup.

Tiny update:
Changing multi-threaded optimization from 'auto' to 'on' in the nvidia control pannel or your GPUs equivelent appears to result in a small but noticable boost to performance on some setups. This is due to windows often having auto default to off, though you should do this on a cyberpunk specific profile as it can break older applications.


I'm on a new save and haven't re-unlocked everything yet but I'm really enjoying the projectile velocity buff on the plasma rifle. Its one of the most powerful/shot non-stancing weapons and has been making S ranking missions a breeze. As I'm trying to S rank each mission before moving on.


I'm sure we've all seen the old 5D dungeon post on reddit, this isn't quite that and its use of 4D space is rather simplistic being a basic translation through 3 slices of an un-rotated 4D cube, however its already set up and ready to go.

I hope some DMs out there get some use out of it wether that be for a confusingly long dungeon crawl or just a one session gimmick.


For more context, I'm thinking of playing a centaur barbarian which means with the practiced brawn ancestry feat I can get +1 to athletic checks to shove and any succesful shove is a critical success.

Despite the potential for cool Trip just seems better though? it targets a save which most monsters are worse at than fortitude, also steals a movement action and puts the enemy off-guard until their turn. Is there something I'm missing or is trip just a better option every time that doesn't involve a convenient cliff or river of lava?


It seems much more grippy than before, even in singleplayer a few times I've managed to zipline away only to somehow be pulled back inside the crystal after its already closed.


I'm sure we all remember when Topaz shards were utterly overpowered only to be nerfed so hard as to be all but abandoned outside secondary crit chance. Since then DE have said they follow the same rules Calibans lethal progeny ability, this howerver is incorrect and Topaz shards appear to be even more limited. They in fact seem to obey the following 2 rules.

  • Overshields cannot be generated.
  • Shields cannot be generated during ANY kind of recharge delay.

The second point is important because any recharge delay includes the brief one every time you'r hit, even if you still have shields and haven't shield gated. The result is that Topaz shards cannot generate any shields while under fire.

This in my opinion is likely an oversight as it renders them utterly useless since their only potential utility is when you're not in combat yet still able to kill enemies with a blast, a situation not only incredibly rare but also one where shields regenerate on their own anyway.

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