'Priced below land value', because the fire-~~gutted~~ kissed structure will cost a shitload to bulldoze and remove.
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
Posting guidelines.
Posts in this community must be of property (inside or out) listed for sale which contains a terrible element. “Terrible” can refer to:
the photo itself (finger over the lens, too far away, people in the shot, bad Photoshop, etc.)
the property (weird layout, questionable plumbing, unsound structure, etc.)
the interior (carpeted bathrooms, awful taste interiors, weird mannequins/taxidermies/art, inflatable pools indoors, etc.)
the actual listing itself including unusual descriptions and unrealistic pricing. However, this isn’t a community to discuss the housing market in general. This is a comedic community - let’s keep it light.
Photos can be sourced from anywhere and be any age, but please check they haven’t already been posted.
Censor any names/contact details of private individuals.
Mark the post NSFW if it includes nudity or sensitive content
This community follows the rules of the feddit.uk instance and the lemmy.org code of conduct. I’ve summarised them here:
- Be civil, remember the human.
- No insulting or harassing other members. That includes name-calling.
- Respect differences of opinion. Civil discussion/debate is fine, arguing is not. Criticise ideas, not people.
- Keep unrequested/unstructured critique to a minimum.
- Remember we have all chosen to be here voluntarily. Respect the spent time and effort people have spent creating posts in order to share something they find amusing with you.
- Swearing in general is fine, swearing to insult another commenter isn’t.
- No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia or any other type of bigotry.
- No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies.
MINIMAL fire/smoke damage
Let me show you what minimal fire/smoke damage looks like
The minimum is zero
Fire kissed with tongue
3rd base involves kissing, of sorts
I don’t know why, but that chair makes things so much funnier.
This is fine
No way. 🤣🤣
If this is fire kissed, I'd hate to see fire fucked.
The studs are probably mostly good and it just needs some renovation. Those who aren't in construction would have a hard time seeing the potential.
Okay, I'm honestly curious about this, as I saw another listing similar to this where they said something similar about the studs being intact, and it just seemed like an absolute joke give the house was missing the entire roof and seemed to basically just be the framing, yet was listed for about $200k less than surrounding homes. Just seems kind of crazy to have to have to worry about that and deal with the material and labor costs of all of that plus the fact that it'll be known the house was severely fire damaged at some point. I know basically nothing about the subject, but it's just difficult for me to comprehend that being a better move than just tearing it down and rebuilding.
Typically when you build with the existing frame, you don't need to re-permit for the framing which will have to be brought up to existing code. So the cost would be less.
Smokey flavoring
A smokey Cajun taste to the home!
1300 for a burnt apartment? Nutjobs.
Cleansed by the holy flame.
me and who
Fire ~~kissed~~ fucked right up the ass.
Mostly dead duplex
This reminds me of our home that was next to a burntout shell.
We had "smoke and water damage" (the flames were in our attic) and that required a year to repair with months to dry out the water, reskimming the walls with new plaster, etc...
Ah, good times