I have the 13 pro. I used to upgrade every 2 years since the iPhone 3GS. I think I’m going to skip this one and see what the iPhone 16 brings. I just don’t see enough of an update to justify the cost.
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Upgrading from my 13 PM to a 15 PM. My bi annual upgrade. Skipped the 14 but really want the satellite SOS for my family. There’s been a few times over the last 2 years when we were out of cell service range and I was slightly anxious. If a minor upgrade can address that then it’s time.
Same. I was tempted cause the USB-C port, but I will wait too til 16 (hoping we get the camera behind the display feature)
The main purposeni see people upgrading is if youre trying to reduce the number of chargers you carry around to 1, if youre a person who carries other devices like a macbook (and choose to charge over usb c instead of magsafe) or other devices like handheld gaming and such. Else. Smartphones in general have gotten to the point where people are only upgrading to fix a bad battery.
I got in around 8:15 and my shipping window was already pushed back to October 4-7.
Did you order a pro max. I heard that initially they were going to delay it a week or so due to production delays, but then kept the same launch date.
I got in as soon as the pre order went live and got Oct 2-4 for mine. I wonder if they did a soft delay or something.
I did, so maybe that’s it. I wish they would have given the realistic shipping date in the presentation if this was the case.
I couldn’t break away from work and didn’t get my preorder in until 8:45. October 9-16.
I got in an hour later. Oct 4-9 on one, and 9-16th for the next :-/
For in for my 15 Plus and my wife’s 15. September 22nd showing as the ship date. We upgrade every 3 years, so we’re excited to move to the next phones. 12 -> 15 is a decent leap in tech.
Took me about 15 minutes to get in on the app, then it kept erroring trying to load the preorder. Finally got through on the website and it loaded without issue.
I was attempting from a laptop the entire time and it didn't look like pre-orders actually went live until ~7-10 minutes after the hour.
Yeah I was refreshing the website and the app and the Apple Store wouldn’t load on either for me until 18 after.
Got my order in as soon as the store came up for me and got October 2-4 lol