Hot take of the day! I actually agree with you. It's a great device and I can see it replacing televisions entirely someday.
Here you can talk about Apple's ecosystem, Apple's OSs (Operating Systems), Apple's apps, Apple's everything!!
additionally, the top-end mixed reality device is twice as expensive and passthrough isn't as good
Hey! You know what? I actually agree with you. All the functionality it offers and what is yet to be developed just can’t cost 400$
If you wanna record 3D videos, there’s no need for this headset, just use a Nintendo 3DS /s
Several people/families can watch a single television at the same time. Can’t do that with Vision pro.
I don’t know about you, but I was going to test to see how many human heads you could fit in one of the headsets at a time. We’ll see who’s laughing then!
a 4k TV can be found on Amazon for for $100-$350
I think that works as a fall back