Really happy to see an iOS app in active development! Just a quick question, is it possible to set the feed to just display the post titles rather than the entire post (to make the feed more compact when scrolling through)
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Yeah, a title only option (maybe with a little preview image in the side) would be really nice.
Right now the full posts are taking up all the screen and even link posts are a bit silly because often the title and the displayed link are exactly the some content.
Thanks for the continuous work on this app, really appreciate having a solid iOS app for Lemmy.
Does this update include a fix for feeds just loading the same content over and over?
It should, but please confirm. I haven't had this issue with his build
No, same thing is happening. I get the first two stickied posts on then 8 posts and it starts repeating the posts starting with the stickied ones.
I can't reproduce this issue and haven't had any reports about this, can you give me more information? Like what instance you're on and the type of feed?
I'm on and this happens on the All feed sorted by New. It looks like it's not a problem on the Subscribed feed or All sorted any other way. I'm on iPhone 12 Pro with iOS 16 Beta.
This issue is fixed on the latest release, so be sure to update ASAP!
I am also seeing the same issue. It happens after browsing either the All or Subscribed feed after a few minutes. Usually when it happens, I also cannot upvote posts (but can upvote comments in a thread)
iPhone 8 Plus, iOS 16.5
This issue is fixed on the latest release, so be sure to update ASAP!
Same issue, but only after using the app without restarting for a while. After closing the app it works as expected, but after several refreshes, it re-occurs.
Possibly not completely clearing the postTracker on a refresh action?
Or possibly not deduping new parsePosts results in the infinite loader before appending to postTracker (Infinite Loader.swift:55)?
Hey Fenixβ FYI the duplication issue is easily reproducible using the βActiveβ view, especially on All.
Particularly around the posts regarding the Spez AMA.
This issue is fixed on the latest release, so be sure to update ASAP!
Is this why app removed my account after app update?
Thank you for the work on Mlem!
I installed mlem like 5 minutes ago, and have only been using Lemmy for about a week, so I apologize if I just don't know what I'm doing :)
When adding an account, the first field (Homepage) shows help text of "". I am using as my server. If I type there, login doesn't work. I have to type the full URL with the scheme (as and then it works.
Is it supposed to work without the scheme? If that is just some weird thing with, then I guess , but if you are supposed to type the scheme there too, then I would suggest the help text reflect that to avoid confusion.
sadly for me, its not loading any posts. Whenever I login to my instance ( it just says "No posts to be found". There is a message about how the server I am connecting to might be overloaded when I switch to "All"
This is super, new inbox and profile page are really nice. Thanks for this quality work !
Any reason why this app requires the latest version iOS? Iβm on iOS 15.5 and really trying to avoid iOS 16 because of issues it has with my device.
Iβm on and Iβm unable to sign in (get a message that it can connect) is this not a supported instance or am I doing something wrong?
Will there ever be support for iOS 15?