Thanks for creating this instance @[email protected] and approving my account. <3
Meta (
A place to discuss or ask anything about's instance or moderation.
For discussion about Lemmy (the software) itself, visit [email protected]
Seconded! I would’ve made my own comment but didn’t want to crowd things up any more than they already are. Thanks @jonah! Very excited to be a part of this all.
What's up with downvoting? I can do it on other instances.
I think in this instance (lol) they've opted to disable downvotes since it's a smaller community. Instead, the sidebar encourages you to upvote other posts to encourage discussion :)
Not lame. Just not what you want. The joy is, there are instances that allow downvoting, which you are free to join, if that's the way you want to interact.
My first comment! Really hoping Lemmy can be the replacement for Reddit :) trying this from the Memmy App!
I noticed that we can't create communities in, so is there another way for us to create communities or do we need to register with another instance?
Easily the most sexy instance imo
any chance of getting a specific cycling community, like r/cycling?
There's [email protected] already, or are you looking for something else?
hah, I would swear there was nothing just a couple of minutes ago when I searched for "cycling". Thanks!
There probably wasn't, because nobody on had "discovered" it yet. It is slightly complicated, but you can find remote communities more reliably with a tool like, and then paste the URL of the community you find in the search page. That will tell to fetch the community from that server, the communities you see on are ones where that process has already happened.
So if someone on here discovered a “new” community that no one else on here discovered yet, then after that other people here would be more easily able to find it afterwards?
Yup. The admin can also set up federation with other servers on a whole-server basis so that all communities are discovered automatically.
Hi everyone. Glad to be welcomed into this instance. I think it's the best and coolest one given how much help I've gotten from
Thank you for the server.
Here's to fresh starts.
so much to learn jeez its a bit daunting. but im gonna try to figure all this out
Reddit refugee here, great site. Fairly local for me so it's fast, fast. Thanks for the hooking me up!
Hey so I've been on Lemmy for a few weeks now and I'm getting tired of seeing the pinned posts. How do I prune them from my feed? I've seen them. I don't need to keep seeing them several times a day.
The only way I can think of at the moment is to block @jonah and, while I'm reluctant to do that, so far nobody has given me another option.
Hi all :)
I started on Lemmy but then kbin UI caught my attention so I migrated over there. Now I'm. Back to see what Lemmy is like now
Is there a way to link my kbin acocunt/subs to Lemmy? What's the easiest way to do this or the closest thing to it? I have more comments over there and would like to be able to continue discussions there, or see replies, etc? But now from Lemmy
Edit: I ended up pulling up my kbin subscriptions on 1 tab, and Lemmy search on the other, and just searched manually
Wonderful little community
Thanks Johah! Was looking for a new home on the link aggregator front, and this is just the ticket. Looking forward to seeing the site and community grow 😀
Liking it here so far, but it would be a really good thing to enable downvotes. I hope you reconsider it!
So glad to be part of this. Thanks for setting things up.
Very, very slowly getting the hang of this. I got the Mlem iPhone app on testflight, but it's not as nice to use for discovering new communities as on the desktop. Thanks for hosting this beginner-friendly instance!
Thanks for having us!
Hi everyone and thank you for approving my sign up request, I hope you all have a great day or two!
Cool. I like the rules, the local communities, and the vibe!