What makes I2P anonymous?
Also how is it different from normal torrenting?
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What makes I2P anonymous?
Also how is it different from normal torrenting?
What makes it different is that I2P uses something called garlic routing to anonymize you and everyone participating in the swarm. So nobody can tell what you're downloading, except those in the same swarm, but they can't tell who you are because your id in the swarm isn't connected to your IP-address.
Other than that it's pretty much normal torrenting. Many clients such as BiglyBT already support I2P.
Off-topic question: what does “PSA” stand for?
"Public Service Announcement", sorry, I thought that was a common shorthand.
Thanks! It kind of is, I saw it several times the last few days (never noticed before). It's kinda variant of FYI I guess?
Public Service Announcement
I know about I2P for some time now and I really like the pitch, but I never got around of actually trying it sadly.
Perhaps today is the day?
how to enable this I2P in qbittorrent?
I don't use qbittorent I'm afraid, but someone created a tutorial for it if you know how to download from a torrent hash it's here: Torrent hash = 3F1D51095F9B116739172C1BCED149ACF2B10692
If not then there's a built in torrent client called I2PSnark in the java version. It's rather basic but it'll get the job done.
do i need to have I2P installed on my system to work with I2PSnark?
Yes, but the installation is pretty straightforward.
but it's working only on applications that i need, right(torrent client for example)?
Not sure I understood the question.
undefined> I2PSnark
Is it working system-wide, like openvpn?
No, not system wide by default. Change your browser proxy to localhost:4444 and you should be able to reach i2p-sites like http://planet.i2p or the bittorrent tracker (linked in the I2P sub). Changing that will make use of the outproxies so it'll kind of work like TOR.
did you compile I2PSnark from source?