Tbh, if you're that paranoia about your phone, to the extent that you don't trust grapheneOS... Go back to a dumbphone.... The stuff you actually do on your phone (eg using anything on the internet through your provider/ISP) is probably 100x "riskier" than the insane offchance that some three letter agency is "hacking" your phone...
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The solution since you have a Pixel is GrapheneOS. If you don't trust your OS and permissions to not fire up your camera when you're not the one doing it, than you shouldnt be running it.
Can't install it on a pixel bought from at&t ☹️
Already have GrapheneOS, still don't trust it
Theres no reason not too, its open source, you can verify its not doing anything in the background that its not supposed to be. Unless you're literally the 0.0000000001% you don't have a threat model that justifies that level of paranoia, but even if you did, that's literally who Graphene was made for.
Its signed and verified boot is intact, its not getting fucked with after the fact. Even if you used a shady app, its powerless against your permissions and camera toggle.
Doesn't work when I'm holding the phone
Hold it by the top, duh
but what about when I'm typing?? I have no choice but to hold it at the bottom then
Just move it like this in the floating mode
Or flip your phone upside down, so the camera is at the bottom
GrapheneOS keyboard doesn't have floating mode and I can't read anything upside down :(
Move to Oz, you'll be right mate
The only such case I found is this one but it looks a bit bulky: https://www.mobilefun.co.uk/olixar-stand-case-with-camera-privacy-cover-gold-for-google-6-pro-87401
But why not just use some painter's tape? The adhesive isn't very strong and usually doesn't leave residue when peeled off.
Painters tape
In addition to sliding cases for the back camera, there are also sticker slider add-ons for the front facing as well. You'll have to search based on your specific model, but be careful of the front facing sticker so they don't block the ambient light sensor on your device.
nillkin makes cases with camera covers.
Yes! Here is but one example: https://amzn.eu/d/3PPodHU
I searched for, "phone camera shutter privacy".
The solution you're looking for is called "black electrical tape".
It's simple, easy to use, comes off easy, and can be found at any hardware store.
For the front facing camera you can buy stickers or a little stick on shutter that you can flip open and closed. You could maybe do the same with the back but that may involve covering the flash as well.
ZUCUCUC Laptop Camera Cover Slide, Phone 6 Pack Ultra Thin Webcam Slide for Laptop, Desktop, PC, Tablet, Smartphone, Protect Your Privacy and Security(Black) https://a.co/d/4cYj4U4
You could remove the glass over the lenses and physically break the cameras then put the glass back on
But I don't want to break the cameras, I just want to cover them when not in use
I think stickers gonna have to be the best solution then.