My favorite is Coperhead, I love its bulletproof construction and super tight packaging, and utterly terrifying weapon!
It's Robot Fightin' Time!
When you think about how compact Copperhead is compared to how much violence it distributes, it's frankly amazing
I'm a huge fan of watching Hydra flipping 250 lb robots 20 ft in the air. I also love the NASCAR racing team look that Wyachi goes for as a team. I'm not even into NASCAR but I think the style stands out and says, "We mean business."
I like the glass cannon concept of Tombstone.
Also Bronco is dated but still fun to watch. I always cheer for them.
I tend to cheer on the underdogs for most fights. Like tombstone is great but almost lacks personality. I started cheering on huge when it came on the scene since it was such a different approach and unique
I like Shatter because it can move horizontally. I don't know what disadvantages that comes with but I feel like a lot more of those 4 wheel vertical spinners would do better if their wheels were on the bottom unexposed and they could strafe around stuff.
Vanquish for the beautiful design and that thrill when the teeth sink into their victim.
Ripperoni because they're a class act with a perfect theme and an advanced design that absolutely murders.
Lots of other teams to cheer for too! Not going to list them all, but the best part of Battlebots is the great community and all the people who make an effort to keep it that way.
Watching Ripperoni was super fun! I hope they come back next season for sure. But yeah I honestly feel like there's very very few teams I don't like, the whole community is amazing and all the bots are awesome to watch!
In the new series I have become a fan of Hypershock because I think Will Bales and Co. are just cool people. Hypershock is what my robot would look like....just an RC car on steroids.
If we are also throwing the Comedy Central Series into the mix, I gotta say that among my favorites were Biohazard, Hazard, Code: BLACK, and Spaz. Watching Spaz win the Middleweight championship and being such a middle of the road robot really won me over as a fan.