What irks me is when game developers ties the physics engine to the framerate. We all know this will cause issues down the road, could we just.. not?
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Not doing it also causes issues in the form of micro stutters when some but not other frames have updated physics or not. Frame pacing is hard, and locking everything down happens to be the only sure-fire way to completely eliminate display issues. But then, of course, you have a locked frame rate.
They better delivery that "visual fidelity" if you are already capping at 30 fps on a current-gen console.
I imagine there is some reason we still see this. Any devs in the Industry lurking?
I'm not in the industry, but I've dabbled in Unity and that's just kind of how it works by default. You create a game object and it gets an Update() function that is called once per frame. You're encouraged to perform calculations and update it's position in that callback.
You're supposed to use Time.deltaTime
to scale your calculations based on how long it's been since the last frame.
But that takes effort and it's very easy to just not do that and your game will still work fine in most cases.
“Game dev here,” Carlone writes, adding that they are a “big fan” of Dreamcast Guy. “Wanted to clarify: it’s not a sign of an unfinished game. It’s a choice. 60fps on this scale would be a large hit to the visual fidelity. My guess is they want to go for a seamless look and less ‘pop in.’ And of course, [it’s] your right to dislike the choice.”
Sure. Maybe. It could be this. Or...
Arm-chair babbling idiot who plays too much video games here, I am one hundred percent convinced that it has nothing to do with visual fidelity and everything to do with that asthmatic engine they've been dragging since Morrowind. Can't prove it but... you know. Just a hunch I get from playing their games.
People constantly complain about the engine that they use but no other game engine is as flexible when it comes to modding and no other game engine has the same level of complexity when it comes to being able to pick stuff up and move it around. You can take items off a shelf or desk in skyrim and fallout and stack them somewhere else. You can if you want decide to hoard a bunch of garbage you stole and stack them into a pyramid in your home base area.
Are their quirks? Sure the physics tied to framerate in skyrim was a problem, the games are always buggy, and they arent usually the prettiest games out there(though skyrim looked decent when it first came out and the graphical fidelity mods can work magic).
As for the premise does it have to do with fidelity? Of course it does. Setting a framecap on consoles means theyre able to use higher resolution assets, better lighting effects, and more complex models. I understand the preference of giving up fidelity for some smoothness and frames but 30fps isnt totally uncommon in console spaces and this is a bethesda game not a twitch shooter or a 2d fighter.
Outside the PC space gamers hardly ever talk about or think about framer rate. Graphical effects and details and fisual fidelity are a higher priority and more important in a game where generally you mostly just walk around and explore.
It would be nice if they had an option for a lower res mode or less detailed mode and 60fps target, but I get why they made the choice they did and ideally Im sure it'll run at a normal framerate on pc.
Now if it runs poorly on PC then we can riot.
It's also a personal choice of Bethesda not to rename their engine. Many other studios do this same thing and reuse engines, but they often rename them after significant rewrites. Bethesda just doesn't do that.
Also they aren't worried about how the game will be released. Their games have legs. So a 60fps version will eventually come out. Then they'll release it 5 more times.
But they did? For Oblivion it was Gamebryo, for Skyrim it was the Creation Engine
No, it's most definitely a choice. You can make any engine run at 60 FPS if you sacrifice something else for it. The RE engine runs beautiful games at 60 FPS, but they had to make all sorts of sacrifices to fidelity to get World Tour in Street Fighter 6 to run at all, let alone at 60 FPS on current gen consoles.
I mean sure but give us the choice, damn it! :(
Arm-chair babbling idiot who plays too much video games here, I am one hundred percent convinced that it has nothing to do with visual fidelity and everything to do with that asthmatic engine they've been dragging since Morrowind.
Code doesn't go bad with time, that's not really how it works. And game engines tend to be a Ship of Theseus situation, where just because it's still the same "engine" in theory, doesn't mean that large parts (or all of it), haven't eventually been replaced or refactored over the years.
Unreal Engine has been around for 30 years at this point, would you also consider that an "asthmatic engine"?
Some engines get better and some just get more and more spaghetti duct tape.
No, what I mean is that this engine always had a cobbled up together with duct tape feels to it. It's also the beauty of it.
It sure reads like they are saying "more fps makes game look bad", but my assumption is that they mean " if we want this to run at higher fps we will have to reduce fidelity or the engine cant handle it". At least thats what I hope they mean
Yeah, reducing graphical fidelity is often one of the things needed in order to increase framerate. That is not unique to their engine, or any engine.
If only players could make that choice themselves, perhaps through some sort of graphics settings menu. No, that's crazy and unprecedented, it could never work.
that asthmatic engine they’ve been dragging since Morrowind
I don't believe that's true at all, though. At least by Wikipedia, Morrowind was NetImmerse, Oblivion was Gamebryo (modified Havok), and Skyrim was Creation. And I remember in the announcements for Skyrim that they remade the engine for the game. And Starfield is an updated engine, Creation 2
Gamebryo was called netimmerse until 2003. Creation is a modified gamebryo. So Creation 2 will also be based on it. So yes they use kinda the same engine since morrowind. Beteshda will not change away from it because gamebryo is a large reason why the modding community is as strong as it is for skyrim etc. And the modding community sells a lot of copies!
The engine also started as an engine for MMOs, which allowed them rich scripting for every NPC, as well as an inventory for every NPC.
The world fidelity that Bethesda builds, on a technical and simulation level, is unmatched — yeah, something like The Witcher 3 might look better, but it also doesn’t let you interact with basically every item in the world or pickpocket every NPC’s weapon as a way to neutralize them in combat.
I'm sure you're right about this. Probably the framerate bounces all over the place which feels much worse than simply locking it to 30fps and having a consistent experience. I think a PC has the potential to simply brute force it into 60fps, but an Xbox simply cannot. Which is probably fine. The game is said to run at 4k and 1440p depending on which Xbox you have, and for a game like this where exploration is going to play a big role, those visuals will do a lot of silent storytelling.
I would rather walk over a hill and see an incredible alien sunset on some moon, than have more frames, especially if those frames are bouncing around between 60 and 40 and going over that hill stutters and jerks spoiling the immersion.
This incessant nagging about fps is the most tiresome thing in gaming since gamergate.
I agree up to a point. If a game is at 30 and feels good to play, then I’m OK. For example, Zelda feels great. Controlling Link is tight and snappy.
On the other hand, if the game has bad frame pacing (like Bloodborne), playing at 30 feels real bad.
I try not to get too crazy about frames, but sometimes some games just don’t feel good.
I will say, though, that while I really like channels like Digital Foundry, I sometimes wonder if them picking apart games to show the most minor frame dips is slowly teaching us to see these things, and as a result we kind of subconsciously will be like, “Well now I noticed this game had some moments where the frames dropped during an explosion. Obviously it’s a bad game.” I know that’s some hyperbole, but still.
Yeah how dare consumers expect their products to be good
Good ≠ a single metric.
What is the absolute most important thing about every video game? They all have it in common: there are zero video games ever made, ever, where this isn't the absolute most important thing that there is.
The answer is: being able to play it. Is a game that crashes to desktop every time you move the camera a good game? No. If I can feel comfortable judging whether or not a video game is any good based on whether or not it passes that single metric, I feel even more comfortable to extend it to "being able to see it without motion sickness and eye strain". Wanting your game to be optimized properly and not a juddery slide show isn't entitlement, it's the bare minimum of functionality.
Every video game and every TV program for DECADES ran at 30fps. 29.97, actually. Nobody was motion sick or got eye strain.
People who were actually there at the time say otherwise. And so do I, because I was there too. Slow frame rates look like shit, and they have always looked like shit. The first video game I actually enjoyed because it wasn't visually uncomfortable to look at was F-Zero X on the N64. Would you like to take a guess as to why?
Just because you're okay with 30FPS doesn't make it "fine" or "good" either. Higher FPS is objectively better. Period. That means 30FPS is bad, when the other options is 60FPS (Or higher, because the console is being DIRECTLY MARKETED to the consumers as a 60FPS-120FPS console)
Nobody was motion sick or got eye strain.
Wow, I didn't realize you could speak on behalf of everyone's personal reaction to FPS
Most games of the NES, Genesis, and SNES era ran at 240p, 60fps (in the NTSC regions).
The difference is that TV and movies have a consistent delay between frames. That is often not the case with video games.
Sure, but a game is objectively better if it can run at a higher framerate.
Bloodborne is excellent, but it would 100% be better if it ran on solid 60 FPS.
No lock 24 and add film effect
I honestly don't really mind if a console game runs at a steady 30 fps. I just know that it isn't going to be steady lol
on Xbox
I don't know, Bethesda's games have always been iffy when it comes to FPS. Skyrim for example breaks if you mod it to have over 60 fps if I remember correctly. Even on Fallout 76 movement speed was kinda tied to the FPS so players looking at the ground (so that less things render thus increasing FPS) would run faster than others.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they cap it to 60 FPS on PC as well.
The Skyrim FPS lock to 60 fps was due to the physics engine not working beyond that. Knowing Bethesda, and knowing the fact that in the 30 or so rereleases of Skyrim they've never fixed that, I wouldn't be surprised if that's still there
Oh it definitely has something to do with this. They have been dragging this engine with them since Morrowind. I really hope that now they are with Microsoft that money can be poured into a new engine build from the ground up for Bethesda type games.
Of course it is. As always a choice between visual quality and framerate.
DF did a pretty decent video on the whole 30fps question. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9ikne_9iEI
Yeah that's a weird choice. Todd Howard said that the game has performed upwards of 60fps in some places, but they made the choice to lock it down to 30fps on console for full graphical fidelity.
I get that not everyone has a TV that supports VRR, but they should be able to programmatically check what the xbox is currently supporting. If it is a Series-X and does support VRR they should be able to unlock FPS to up-to 60. I mean even 40fps on the steamdeck is surprisingly good, whereas 30 can be really jarring. Or give a choice to the user, 4k@30 or 1440p@60 with VRR.
Reminds me of Horizon Zero Dawn running at 30fps but it felt silky smooth because the FPS was rock solid.
yeah.. if you have not ever played anything 60fps or more.
30fps is normally alright for 3rd person adventure games, but shooting, especially first person, might feel different. Idk, I still don't know how to feel about this one. The digital foundry guys seemed to be supportive, but I still just don't trust Bethesda lately