I have been extremely satisfied with my Honeywell T6 Z-wave thermostat.
Completely local. No vendor phone apps. No accounts.
Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Available for free at home-assistant.io
I have been extremely satisfied with my Honeywell T6 Z-wave thermostat.
Completely local. No vendor phone apps. No accounts.
I also have this one (I'm in Canada), and it works really well for us.
Yup, I have one as well, it is excellent.
I seem to remember that the Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave comes up a lot when this question is asked. I'm not running Z-wave yet, though, so I can't comment.
Thanks! Per my other comment, I guess I've gotta look at Z-Wave if there are no wifi-only options available. Checking out the T6 Pro now
Another +1 for the t6. It's been running great for 6+ months
I believe there are a few Honeywell models that are Z-Wave, so that'd be fully local. I'm using EcoBee, which does have cloud control, but I've added it to Home Assistant via HomeKit, and that is local control. It's a little annoying because EcoBee doesn't expose it's fan setting via HomeKit, so I can't have HA kick on the fan when the AC isn't running, for example.
Thanks - I'll take a closer look at Z-Wave again. I'm only running wifi based devices so far but if this is the only way to get better thermostat control I might have to compromise.
I have two Centralite HA 3156105 ZigBee ones I use for two zones. They work pretty well. They are the older Centralite units with xfinity markings on them, can be found on eBay for about $15 - $20. Both Z2M and ZHA support it.
I have an ecobee that I'm using now, but I do have a centralite pearl ziigbee thermostat. Do you mind sharing your configuration for setting your temperatures? I want to be able to have home mode away mode etc like I do with the ecobee but can't seem to figure it out.
With the Centralite units I have, most of the config like temp floating point and setting what is exposed is done on the thermostat itself (the OEM manual covers how to set it up). zigbee2mqtt seems to have way more configuration options than ZHA in HA, both pick it to varying degrees.
I would suggest going the z2m route, as that would probably give you the most ecobee similar options: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/3156105.html
It's more of DIY solution, but works fine, did you check with https://esphome.io/ if your heat pump system couldnt be connected ?
Most of them have a way to communicate as they already have an offline thermostat
I really like my zigbee thermostats and would recommend them not cloud at all. I have not found a tasmota or esphome compatible thermostat. You could make your our with relative ease use a simple relay board. But I don't think that it would look great