Firefox has been good to me, because I use linux as well, and its sync cross platform capabilities is very useful.
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For me Firefox containers are the killer app - one for each persona... though they don't sync well across platforms.
Yes, I was also using firefox before mac, so using it there was a no brainer.
Firefox, it's the only way 🫡
I’m a sucker for the iCloud integration so I still use Safari.
Same. Also, it’s very good.
Trying out Arc and liking it so far.
Firefox. I switched recently since Chrome was set on using every resource on my computer.
Orion. As good as Safari, but works with Firefox and Chrome Extensions.
I tried using Safari multiple times, but I run back to Firefox every time.
Mostly Firefox since it has great crossplatform support and is open-source. But I do occasionally use Safari/Chrome/Opera
All Safari for me
Firefox mostly. Safari for things that don’t load right on Firefox. Chrome for work (mandatory for my job).
I only use Firefox on desktop
Firefox it on macOS, FreeBSD and my android phone
Chrome for work. As a web dev, it's our primary target. Firefox for personal stuff, just to keep the logins separated, plus, I've been using Firefox as my primary browser since the mid '00s; creature of habit, at this point.
Arc is amazing
I just use Safari, same on my phone. Makes it easier to use the same thing and I like the password manager and SMS auto fill.
Safari mostly. I prefer the incredibly minimal UI and iCloud integration. With some Userscripts and an adblocker like Wipr it's smooth sailing.
As a backup I use Firefox modified to look like Safari: Safari Firefox Mod -
What user-script are you using on safari?
I like safari, but use firefox so the sync works with between Mac, iPhone, FreeBSD Desktop, and Work Windows Laptop.
A hardened Firefox fork, librefox
I use Firefox, because of Firefox containers and total cookie protection.
But with Safari adding profiles to the next version, I will need to revisit Safari again.
Firefox for extension, safari for everything else including sync, performance, battery life, ...
DuckDuckGo and their Bitwarden integration is great. Arc is also interesting.
Arc. I am a big fan of Stack Next too, but it's still too far out in development to be a daily driver.
I use Firefox on all platforms.
Went for Arc and do not want to go back to anything else. I avoided using Safari, hated it just as much as I hated IE and Edge afterwards.
Arc! I love it so much. Vertical tabs and spaces are game changers for me. Also little things like external links opening in a “little arc” window, certain links on the web not opening as full tabs, and having a hotkey to search from anywhere are such nice QoL improvements.
Wish it wasn’t a chromium browser, but the pros it provides in features far outweighs the cons of using chromium (for me).
+1 for Arc!
Waterfox at the moment. It reduces some of the telemetry in vanilla Firefox, it's fast, and it's very stable. I refuse to install or use anything Chrome-based on my Mac. If I need (for some reason) to use Chrome, I use my work laptop for that.
Vivaldi mostly
When it comes to personal stuff I only use Firefox, regardless of device. But as a web developer I end up having to use them all at various times, and Safari isn't too bad.
If you're looking for a chrome-adjacent experience but with way more flexibility, I've been really enjoying Vivaldi over brave
TIL I need to try this Arc thing out... but for now I use Brave, synced across all of my devices, perfection.
Brave pretty much all the time as I work on Mac and Windows, and use iPhone but also have a couple of old Android tablets. It all just syncs, no ads and no adblockers needed
Firefox is my choice. Can’t live without sync and I use quite a few extensions that can’t be found in other browsers.
Safari and Firefox. I use Brave on my iPad, but I'm trying to keep my Chromium based browsing down.
Firefox. Adblocking options aren't that good in Safari, Chrome is soon to ruin adblockers, and I trust Mozilla's intentions more than I do Brave's.
Firefox is awesome now, you should try it!
Arc is wonderful once it 'clicks', but may feel slightly weird at first. I've been using it everyday since I got the invite (switched from FF).