Honestly thinking about getting him today! Learned about it first here. Thanks!
A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, which has a free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn, the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansion up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. FFXIV's newest expansion, Dawntrail, is out now.
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He's a good boy!
I am either too stingy or fail to see the value. $24/16€ for something similar than most other cheaper mounts with the only real "effect" being a standing up animation that already existed in the game isn't for me. And I know it's that much because it is "account wide" but the reality is that this simply makes it more expensive for the 90% that don't even use alts or not enough to need a store mount for both characters.
Its my favorite savage boss design to date and my favorite raid from Eden mechanically, so I bought it in a heartbeat. Really glad the speculation that this would be the blue mage mount for going through Eden on savage would have awarded wasn't the case - because I'm not really into doing content on blue mage, although that would have made the most sense to me.
I've not touched Eden yet, but I'm very excited to! My FC speculated that the mount might be an award for the new Another Dungeon thing - I've not really touched any of that so I've no idea what it is.
Too edgy for me.
He's a good puppy!